20 ~ The Truth.

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The Truth.


-friday, 10:08 am-

It's been almost two days since Jaxon and his... friends rescued me from whoever had me, Dominic included. I wonder if he is dead, or where he went, where all of his men went. When Jaxon showed up all of them just ran, if I was so important why did they leave me? Were they that scared?

Jaxon and I have just boarded the private jet or whatever this is, to wherever he is taking me. His friends don't pay me any mind, they almost looked scared of me. The only people I've been talking to are Max, Blake, and Abasi, who won't tell me a damn thing about what's going on.

Jaxon enters the plane just as some men close the door and one briefly whispers with Jaxon before going up to the front of the airplane. I sit quietly and grab a glass of champagne while Jax comes back to me, giving me a disapproving look for my choice of beverage.

I roll my eyes, "Are you going to finally tell me what's going on?"

He takes a big breath, glancing around the plane at all of his friends who are staring at us. They try and look busy, like playing with the leather or text on their phones but we all know that they are really just listening in. I take another gulp of champagne.

"I'm in the mafia."

I spit it out.

Jaxon grabs a napkin and quickly dabs it on my knees, lap, and my shoes, as well are wherever the hell it also got. I stare at him with wide eyes, before downing the rest of my glass and then grabbing another, gulping down about half of it before Jaxon grabs it from me and places it on the small table beside us.

He stares at me expect-ingly, and the only thing I do is hiccup from the small amount of alcohol. He frowns at this, and I stand, mumbling: "I think I might barf."

I run to the small one person bathroom and lock the door before nose diving into the toilet, puking up the small contents. I have hardly eaten since Jaxon got me from Dominic, I don't understand why I'm throwing up.

When I finish, I stand and wash my hands and face before taking a minute to stare at myself in the mirror. I have hardly healed. My face is still bruised and battered and now I look like a ghost on top of all of that.

I turn away and unlock the small plastic door, throwing it open and only making it one step out before Jaxon pulls me straight into his chest. I mumble something incoherent into it, irritably. He finally lets go after a minute or two, before holding me by the arms and staring me in the eye.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

I take a big breath, looking him in the eye as he did with me, before shaking myself out of his hold and looking at his face, which has fallen into a deep frown. His eyes look scared. Desperate. Shocked. Regretful. Shameful. Hurt. So many emotions at once that it is hard to detect all of them.

I take another breath, glancing away before connecting my eyes to his and whispering, "I'm sorry, too."


So so so so so so so so so SO sorry for such a late update! I am honestly thinking about putting this story on hold or even discontinuing it )): I am so sorry that it is so short especially for everyone who has waited more than a month for it!

If you like this story you will probably like my others, especially ones that have been updated more frequently! My newest ones are my best. Please don't be upset with me, and please be patient with me! Thank you everyone who has been here for me.

-Kam </3


word count: 647

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