Broken Wing - Stan Marsh

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Ok, forgot to add something on the first page. All of the chapters will be titled by a song, and I advise you to listen to that song while reading this. You might have to replay it, or you can listen to a different song afterwards, but it helps set the mood. 

Stan Marsh x Reader

Song: Broken Wing by Martina McBride

Stan Marsh looked out the window of the small bus, the yellow paint had began to chip off back when they were in preschool. But now, in high school, the paint was no longer paint, but flakes of faded color. Kyle Broflovski, his best friend, sat next to him, rambling on about the scientific theory. He noticed that his friend was paying no attention to his words, so he decided to poke him. "Stan. Hey Stan." But Stan payed no attention to the redhead, as his eyes were adverted to the couple on the street, Y/n and Clyde. 

Clyde Donavan had been the bravest out of the guys to ask out the pretty new girl with shining (e/c) eyes. He walked right up to her and said, "You wanna go on a date with this hottie?" She was a bit flustered, but nodded. He then walked back to the guys, bragging about his plans. Right now, they were hand in hand, their linked arms swinging back and forth. Clyde smiled and poked Y/n's nose, making her laugh. Stan huffed, he wanted to be the one to make her laugh. 

"STAN!" Kyle finally shouted, tired of his friend's oblivion. Stan actually looked at him this time, a sad look on his face. Kyle looked out the window quickly and saw Y/n and Clyde. He rolled his eyes, "Dude, you can tell they're happy together. I think you should just give up. Besides, you have Wendy." 

Stan scoffed, "You mean the off-on girlfriend? Kyle, I actually love Y/n. Wendy is just a girlfriend. Y/n, well, I could make her my wife on the spot." He looked back to the couple and sighed, his blue eyes holding back tears. Kyle, on the other hand, was taken aback. Stan loved Y/n? He knew Stan liked her, but love? He decided to watch the couple, trying to find a way to break them. If he could, maybe Stan could have a chance with Y/n. 

*Y/n's POV* 

The day Clyde asked me out, I was immediately happy. The hottest boy in school liked me? Oh boy. My heart was about to jump through my chest and do a happy dance. But I stayed calm, looking at him while blushing. I obviously agreed, and we went on our date. It was wonderful. He asked me to be his girlfriend, and I gladly accepted. Then the trouble started.......

When out in public, he would be sweet, and kind, and nice. But behind closed doors, he'd slam my face into doors, making me cry out in pain. He'd actually laugh when I got hurt, the sick fuck. I finally couldn't take it anymore. I stood up to him. Then, he slapped me for the first time. Before, it was just shoving. But now, he slapped me. I had held my face in fear as he hissed, "Now, Y/n, you're the hottest girl in school, so you're gunna stay with me, got it?" I nodded shakily, slumping to the ground. 

But here we were, walking down the street, hand in hand. I saw Stan and Kyle on the bus and wanted to wave to them, but Clyde HATES it when I talk or even look at a guy. He even got pissed at my brother, Y/B/N (your brother's name). But that was before I told him it was just my brother. When we got to the school, I instantly smiled and clung to Clyde. He hummed and wrapped an arm around me. 

"Y/n!" A voice behind me shouted. I turned to see none other than Kyle Broflovski. I smiled at him, but didn't wave. He walked up to me, panting. "How's it going?" 

I looked at Clyde and he nodded. I turned back to Kyle, "Good. Me and Clyde get along really well, and he's so nice!" I hoped he would see through the lie, but he didn't. God only knows that no one did. I looked over to where Stan and the gang stood, laughing. I used to be accepted, I used to be able to hang out with them. But then Clyde came in, and now, I can't do anything. Not that I hate it. I love Clyde, I just wish that he was nicer to me. But if he likes it this way, who am I to refuse?

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