Chapter 28: Fight

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Maya's Pov
The sound of growling wakes me up and alerts me as I overthink of every single possible scenarios. Is the pack having a fight with Ben and Esther? Or did another rogue invade our territory?

I look around Josh's room and notice he isn't here. I sigh and run out of the room following the sound of growling. "Maya!" Esther yells running up to me, I let out a breath of relief seeing that she isn't involved. I pick her up and she immediately tightens her grip around me. "What's going on sweety?" I ask moving the hair away from her face as she tries to even out her breathing.

"Fight" she breathes out still shaking "It's okay you're not going to get hurt, not when you're with me" I assure her, she nods and I start walking to the backyward.

As soon as I'm outside that's when I see the fight. Five wolves going at each other. I look around and see almost the whole pack house watching them fight. I can't help but notice Allen and Asena shaking their heads at the wolves clearly mad about the situation but not wanting to interfere.

"Ben" Esther points at the wolf who's lying on the floor clearly hurt, but one black wolf stands in front of him preventing the others to get to him. Josh. I walk closer and try and make out the others. There's Lucas who's helping Josh and then two other's who are trying to get to Ben but I'm not sure who they are.

I put down Esther and she takes my hand, I walk to Asena and decide to ask her what's going on. "Asena" she turns and smiles "Maya" she bows her head making me do the same, "What's going on?" I ask making her sigh "We informed the rest of our pack who don't live here about rogues we've taken in and" she trails off looking at the fight "They were not happy" Allen fills in "Why aren't you stopping the fight?" I ask confused "Because one it's kind of a training for Josh and two because it's best if you let them take a bit of anger out" he explains "They had terrible run in with rogues so us taking some in made them quite angry" he says, his eyes not once leaving the fight.

"Ben!" Esther yells when her brother get bitten on his paw. She let's go of my hand and runs to him. "Esther!" I yell running after her, before I know it she's  knocked down by a wolf. "Maya!" She screams as she tries to wiggle out of the wolf's grasp. My eyes widen and I grab a rock I find on the floor. I run up to the wolf and hit his head making him whimper. I pick Esther up but this time I'm the one being knocked down.

"Josh" I say in my mind making the loudest growl I've heard to be unleashed. The wolf on top of me whimpers and immediately get off of me making Josh come to me, his mouth if full of blood and he's lipming. 

"Are you okay?" He asks turning around me as I get up.

"I'm fine, are you okay?" I ask, I see him give me a slight nod and I smile.

The sound of Esther screaming in pain makes my eyes widen and Josh go to help her.

Another loud growl is unleashed except this time it isn't Josh it's Allen, "Enough" he shouts making everyone bow their heads. Talk about power. All wolves whimper and hide their tail under them. 

"Maya take Esther and Benjamin to the infirmary" he demands making me nod. I pick Esther up and Benjamin walks beside me with a blanket over him.

"Are you okay sissy?" Ben asks as he tries to look at his sister. "No" she shakes her head as tears stream down her face. The other wolf bit her leg as she tried to help her brother, and he sure did not miss since her leg is covered in blood. "I already told you to never get involved" he says "You don't know how to fight" he adds "You shouldn't of gotten involved either" I say making him look at me like I lost my mind "He attacked me" he argues "I was going to let him do that" He says clearly frustrated "I understand but once Josh or Lucas got involved you should've stopped" I say making him furrow his eyebrows "Because if you keep fighting it shows a bad example, you're still rogues, you're not part of the pack yet, and pack members seeing you fight won't necessarily want to include you because they'll think you have destructive tendencies" I explain making him sigh "I'm sorry" he says looking at me "Don't apologize to me, apologize to the people you hurt" I say looking at Esther.

Ben opens the door to the infirmary and I place Esther on the hospital bed. "I'm sorry Esther" Ben says taking her hand in his "I got carried away fighting because he attacked me and insulted us" he continues looking down "Even though I was hurt you still shouldn't have tried to help no matter how nice it sounds please next time don't" He says making a smile pull at her lips.

"Maya" Josh says standing in front of the door "You two wait for the infirmary don't move" I say looking at Esther and Benjamin, they both nod and I walk out closing the door behind me.

"Are you okay?" Josh immediately asks whilst cupping my face "You're not hurt are you?" He asks turning my face from left to right to check for any injuries.

"I'm fine" I say once he finally let's me speak, "Oh thank god" he says pecking my lips "What did I tell you about getting involved in fights?" He says with a frown on his face. He looks adorable. "To not get involved, no matter how much you're losing" I say rolling my eyes, where literally having the same conversation as Esther and Ben. "Esther got involved I couldn't just let her" I argue "I don't care she's a werewolf she can heal, you on the other hand if you get hurt" he trails off making me shake my head "I can take care of myself Josh" I say making him raise his eyebrows clearly not believing me, "Yeah like that night you got attacked by rogues" he starts taking my arm and showing me the three small scars I got from them "Or you calling out for me when you got thrown to the floor" he adds wiping my forehead and showing me his thumb full of blood. Am I bleeding?

"Allen isn't very happy that you got involved" he says making me sigh and look down "I'm sorry" I murmur "Without you I'd be" I trail off slowly looking back up "I need you" I admit making a smile appear on his face "I know gorgeous, but unfortunately I'm not always going to be there to help you, so please don't throw yourself in danger" I nod and giggle "I promise" He smiles and leans down for a soft sweet kiss that ends too fast for my liking, "Um sorry" Ben says closing the door making Josh chuckle.

Here's a picture of Esther and Benjamin👇

____________________________Here's a picture of Esther and Benjamin👇

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