Chapter 7: Soulmate

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Maya's Pov
"You know Riley your really lucky" I say watching my best friend clean her desk whilst I'm lying on her bed being extremely helpful, "Why? Does it have to do with my couzin living here?" She asks "Yes but no" She chuckles and turns around to look at me "Maya why do you like Josh?" I sigh and sit up "I don't know, but everytime I'm with him everything feels right, he's extremely nice and loving and" I trail off looking back at Riley "Everytime I look at his gorgeous dark blue eyes it's like it's just the two of us in the world and nothing else matters, it's like" "A trance" Riley finishes my sentence with a mixture of confused and shock in her tone "Yeah" "Anyways what's the other reason you like it here?" she changes the subject looking back up at me "You have all these people here that are like family to you and are family and" I trail off "I bet you're all close" "We are" she says smiling "I've always wanted to have a big family" I admit, suddenly I'm pulled into Riley's arms "Maya" she starts rubbing my back "It's okay Riles" I say pulling her off of me. Jeez this girl's got a grip. "Riley you can let go now" I say trying to get her off me

"Nop"she tightens her grip and I gasp,

"Riles ca-" I start but get interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" Riley yells finally letting go of me.

The door opens and Josh enters the room making my breath hitch, "Hey girls, sorry to interrupt but dinner is ready" he says sweetly, "Thank you Josh" Josh nods and leaves the room.

Riley and I walk downstairs to the dinning room. The dinning room is huge there is about 8 tables scattered everywhere with one big table at the end of the room. "We're not going to eat in the dinning room" Riley informs me as we walk passed it,

"Why not?"

"We only use it during events"

"So where are we going to eat?"

"Here" Riley says opening a door. It was a smaller dinning room with only one table. Cory was already sitting at the table with Auggie on his right and another man who I presume is Josh's father on his left. Topanga, Josh and another lady enter the room with  some casseroles and bowls filled with food. "Good evening" Riley says catching everyone's attention "Hey Riley" her mother says walking up to her and embracing her into a hug "Hey Maya" She let's go of Riley and pulls me into a hug catching me by surprise "Hey Mrs.Matthews", I met her mother and little brother when they came over for some dinner.

"Oh Aunt Asena" Riley says catching the attention of the other lady "Yes Riley" "This is my best friend Maya" she says gesturing towards me "Well it's nice to meet you Maya" she smiles, she has beautiful long brown hair and bright blue eyes "Maya this is my Aunt Asena" I smile "Josh's mom" Riley add making me glare at her "It's nice to meet you" I say smiling at her "Uncle Allen meet Maya" "Hey Maya, I'm Allen Josh's dad and Riley's uncle" Allen says "Well it's very nice to meet you".

After greeting everyone, we all sit at the table and I just so happened to be sitting across from Josh, so during dinner we would always share glances.

Josh's Pov
After dinner Riley left to drop off Maya so I'm currently in my room doing my homework for tomorrow. I try and answer a math problem but get distracted by a knock on my door, "Come in" I yell shifting my gaze back to my book. I hear the door open and close and some footsteps coming closer "Sorry to disturb you Josh but do you have a minute?" I turn and see Allen my step-father. Allen and I started off on the wrong foot, after my father died I always pushed him away, although that didn't stop him from trying to get me to like him. "I guess" I say turning around in my chair to face him. He sits on my bed and sighs, "How have you been? I haven't talked to you in a while"

"I'm good, you?"

"All is good" he smiles,

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask

"Maya" he says making my eyes widen. Maya the beautiful blonde girl with beautiful bright blue eyes.

"What about Maya?" I ask,

"I saw you two at dinner tonight, how you would always look at each other and smile. Josh did you imprint on her?". Now you may be all wondering what is it to imprint on someone, well us wolves are promised a soulmate, the other half of your soul, when you reach about the age of sixteen you can already find your soulmate for example Riley and Lucas, they grew up together no one knew they'd be soulmates. Now only the male imprints, and that's when they look into the eyes of the other and everything else fades away like it doesn't matter and the only thing there is left is your mate likes it's the only thing that matters because in a way it is. You don't get to choose who you imprint on, but when Lucas imprinted on Riley it didn't really surprise me they were always together since they were little pups.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair "It doesn't matter anyways, she can't know about us" I say frustrated "Josh" Allen says seriously taking me by surprise "Answer my question"

"Yes, I didn't mean to it just happened" It's usually very rare for us to imprint on a human. Who knew I would imprint on a gorgeous blonde with bright blue eyes.

"Josh you know the story about your parents right?" I nod "Then if she is the one make her the one" Allen stands up and starts walking towards the door "Thank you" I say making Allen turn around and smile "Welcome". The door bursts open and a slightly mad Riley storms in but stops when she sees Allen "Pardon me, I didn't know you'd be here" she says bowing her head "All good Riley". Allen leaves my room and Riley walks towards me "You imprinted on her!" She yells taking me by surprise "What?" I look at her confused "Don't you what me! You imprinted on Maya" my eyes widen and I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. "How do you know?" I ask when I finally manage to get some words out, Riley sighs and sits on my bed "We were talking in my room and I asked her why she liked you so much" "She likes me?" I interrupt Riley, she nods and I smile "Since the day she met you, anyways there was a part where she told me about when she looks into your eyes it's like you and her are the only people in the world and how it's like a trance, and that's when it hit me that you inprinted on her" Riley explains "When did you imprint on her?" She asks "Since the day I met her, her gorgeous blue eyes I couldn't resist" I say thinking about Maya "You've held on that long?" She asks surprised "Yeah well Riley, werewolf" I say making her roll her eyes. Normally as soon as you find your mate you want to be with them 24/7, you want to learn more about your mate, care for your mate and trust me you don't know how hard it is to not be with her right now, I always have to find a way to keep my mind distracted because if I don't all I'll do is think about Maya and I'll go crazy because she isn't here with me. "One word Josh, your parents" Riley says standing up "Why does everyone say that?" I say frustrated "You know why Josh" Riley says and leaves my room leaving me in my thoughts.


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