PREFERENCE: how you met

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- Emmett Cullen : being the new girl was always a struggle. This was your sixth time changing schools in a year. World record. Forks was the last stop at the moment, for time being as you recalled the past time. You entered the cafeteria with Bella Swan on your right, the best part of being new was that you weren't alone — Bella was new as well. "Who are they?" Bella asked Jessica Stanley. You perked up and looked at the direction she was looking at. Your eyes were immediately connected to some dark mysterious eyes. "The big dark-haired guy, Emmett."

- Edward Cullen : it was a cold day, the roads were slippery making you more cautious as you walked. You were besides your car, at the side of the road, listening to music and reading an essay you were working on. Tires were screeching from behind you, but too busy reading you couldn't hear anything. Suddenly a pair of arms were wrapped around you, making you gasp. You looked up and were met with beautiful ombré eyes. You looked around and noticed there was a crowd around you and an apologetic Tyler. You looked at the boy but he had left, leaving you on the wet concrete wondering who he was. After leaving the hospital, you had learned his name was Edward Cullen, Carlisle son.

- Jasper Hale : you ran as fast as you could in your wolf form. You were a shapeshifter — werewolf. The rest of the pack were behind you as you ran along with Sam, it was training day with the vampires and you finally convinced Sam to let you go. As you guys neared the vampires, you couldn't help yourself as you moaned out loud of satisfaction. Your imprint. That made you run even faster than Sam. You suddenly stopped as you saw the Cullen coven. The only person you had met from them was Edward, Bella, and Carlisle. Your eyes roam at each one of them as they stopped on some pair of ombré eyes and blondish locks. Your eyes interlocked, all the boys growling at him. 'Seriously? Of all boys?' Paul growled, you growled back. Positioning yourself in front of him as he was about to attack him. 'Enough!' Sam growled, making both of you whine, laying your head on your paws you couldn't help but stare at your imprint the whole time. Jasper Hale — you thought, as well as the others.

- Jared Cameron : you groaned as you heard Jacob's friends were over. You weren't aware of the pack just yet, your dad wanted to protect you at all cost, but he knew it was time to tell you since there were danger newborn vampires. "Dad needs you," Jacob said, leaving you behind to get ready. You shoved whatever clothing you found on the ground and walked towards the kitchen. As you entered the noisy kitchen, everyone went silent. "Y/N, we need to talk." Your dad started, "you know all of our tribe histories," he cautiously continued. "Dad get to the point,". Everyone chuckle at your inpatients, "I like her," a boy spoke. You looked at him and smiled but soon it fades away as you stared at his eyes. "Oh! Seriously?" Billy exclaimed, making everyone laugh and congratulate the boy, but you were confused, later Billy explained everything, leaving the imprinting talk to Jared. And a lecture talk from Jacob.

- Quil Ateara : "why do I have to come? It's basically a date for both of you!" You exclaimed at Bella, she was insisting on going to Jacob, but she wanted you to meet him again and not get the wrong point of her liking him. "Thanks." Bella smiled at you, you just grumbled in the passenger seat. "This is y/n, Bella's best friend." You got out of under the car were helping Jacob with. You stood up and smiled at the two boys. "Embry and Quil." You nodded, smiling at them. "Nice to meet you," Quil just winked, making you go beet red.

- Sam Uley : you were a dhampir; a creature that is the result of a union between a vampire and a human as well as a protector. And you were the protector of Bella Swan, the magnet of trouble. Not only did you lose her today, the whole town was searching for her. The last time you saw her she was with Edward. Your eyes can see where she was, in the woods but you didn't know where at. You ran at the Swan's residence, bursting through the doors. "She's in the woods, somewhere, I just don't know where." You exclaimed at Charlie, "I remembered she was with Edward, but I just saw Carlisle leave." Charlie looked at Billy, "One of your boys can look for her? Can't they?" Billy just nodded and pointed at one of the boys that were beside him. "Go with her, Sam. If anything she can calm Bella if Edward left." You paid no attention to the boy and just kept walking, trying to get your human back. "Can you remember the place?" He asked, looking at you. You looked up at him, suddenly stopping as you locked eyes with him. "Werewolf?" You asked. He nodded, surprised. "How'd you kn-", you cut him off, "Dhampir," and since then, both of you guys were inseparable.

- Embry Call : you were Sam's little sister, so you knew all about the pack. You were there for each one of the boys who shifted since you were a healer, a shaman. Sam had you in a task with every boy who was going to shift soon. It was Embry turn, so you had to take care of him in and out of school. The pain started to shoot through your head, making you scream for Sam. Sam rushed in, "What do I do?" he asks desperately. You yelled out and called for Billy, at that Paul rushed in "Embry is starting to pha-" he was cut off as you yelled out in pain. "What's wrong?" He immediately asked, Paul was like a brother meaning he was very overprotective over you. "Her head. We need to take her to Billy." As they both rushed you to billy, Paul was carrying Embry from behind. You sighed as a whiff of apple and pine hit you making the pain bearable now, Embry calmed as well, as he stared ahead of him. Soon as he saw you in Sam's arms he growled out and shifted for the first time. "Woah!" Paul exclaimed, "Calm down," At this Embry just growled out more vigorously at him and at Sam, staring intently at you with awe. "Are you kidding me?" Paul growled. "Mine!" Embry growls at this, you lifted your head from Sam's shoulder and stared at the beautiful wolf in front of you. You smirked, "Yours."

- Jacob Black : "if you want to turn it on, go get a lighter," you hummed as you thought for new lyrics. "1,2,3" you laughed at yourself. You looked ahead of you and stared deeply into the wood. Suddenly you heard crunches from behind you, you immediately stood up along with your recurve bow. "Who's there?" You angled your arrow and stared deeply. "Woah! sorry, little lady didn't mean to intrude." Three boys emerge from behind the trees, a smirk plastered on their faces. "I'm Embry, that's Quil and Paul." Your eyes wondered behind them and immediately caught the scent of another one. "You're not alone, there's someone else isn't there?" You asked. "How'd you know?" Paul asked, crossing over his hands. "Well I know you guys are werewolves and I'm a professional prodigious hand-to-hand combatant, I pick up a few things." you lower your bow down. "Isn't he coming out?" You asked. "I like you," Paul smirked, giving you a flirty wink. "Back off Lahote." A tall black haired boy emerged from the woods. You looked up at him and met his dark brown eyes. Soon you felt like your breath was gone and the only thing holding you down on earth is him. "Awe, and here I thought I had a chance." Paul whined. "Jacob," he finally introduces himself.You smiled, "Y/N."

- Paul Lahote : you had agreed to come with Bella to visit Jacob after his disappearance. You were surprised she was even talking to you since her breakup from Edward, it had taken a toll but she was your best friend. After arriving the Black's home she was disappointed that Jacob was hiding - again. "What did you do?" Bella asked to the pack. You couldn't help yourself but admire each one of them — especially their mark. Werewolves. You thought. Suddenly you were brought back to reality when Bella had punch Paul. Feeling the sense of him transforming, you bolted out of the truck and ran as fast as you could to Bella before she was hurt. "Run Bella!" Paul was about to launch himself at her but suddenly stopped as a flying arrow waved above his head. "Leave her alone!" You glared, your bow set to shoot again. "Next one goes to your heart, and trust me, I don't miss." You smirked. Suddenly cracks and bones were heard, making you cringe. Paul was human now, he lifted his head and met his eyes. Time stopped as both of you gaze at each other. He had imprinted on you.

- Seth Clearwater : "ahh bloody hell!" you exclaimed as you felt your bones tighten. You ran far away from home and was now on the other side of town. La Push. "Help!" you croaked out loud, your eyes were changing from black, blue, purple, and ombre. "Help!" you yelled seeing the first house. "It's Y/N!" You recognized Jacob's voice you looked up at him but suddenly stopped as you saw the whole pack. You shook your head, "Don't! I don't want to hurt you!" You explained, "Like hell" Paul waved it off. Another wave of pain shot through you. "AHH!" You felt a very strong pair of arms around you, making you squirm. "Careful doll, we can help." You were going to respond when a growl emerged, surprising everyone. "What are you?" One of them asked. Your body shook violently, "I don't know." you gritted out. Swiftly in a moment, your skin was covered with black fur, you shook out of the pair of arms and ran to the wood. "Get her!" Someone yelled, making you growl in satisfaction. You suddenly stopped as a scent caught your attention, doing a u-turn you ran into a grey wolf. You stood up in a self-defense stance, but as you met the eyes, you purred in satisfaction. "Why does he get the badass one!" One of the boys exclaimed. "Forget badass she's a freaking panther!"

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