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---- TIME SKIP (ONE WEEK) ----

I wake up to Vicchan happily kissing my face his tail wagging and his barks soft and existed. I sit up and look down at him picking Vicchan up in my arms and hugging him. I tear up at the thought of what I told Victor. I haven't been able to work.... and sleeping has been hard. I stand up and get changed into work attire and head downstairs with Vicchan and sit. By now Victor would have walked in smiling... I-It's Okay maybe he is just late...? I wait for another 30 min when the realization came that Victor wasn't coming. My heart snaps in two and I put my hand on my face and tear up. Vicchan whined and pawed the door before flopping on the ground his tail down.

"Vicchan...." he looks over at me before he stands up and runs out the door. "A-AH!! VICCHAN!!!" I run after him and Vicchan I noticed was running to Yurio and Otabeks. O-Oh no... He runs in and when I finally catch up I see Victor talking to Otabek and Yurio. Yurio seemed stunned but Otabek didn't.... I freeze up and then Yurio notices me.

Yurio: "You!!" Victor perks his head up and turns around before Yurio stands up and lunges at me jumping ontop of me and pinning me down his hand clasping my shirt. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!!" I shake and Victor tears up. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU JUST WALK AWAY FROM VICTOR LEAVING HIM BROKEN WHEN HE NEEDED YOU!! HUH?!! TELL ME YUURI T-"

Otabek: "YURA!" Yurio looks at Otabek growling mad. Vicchan is in Victors arms his head cuddled close to him whining. "Stop. He has gone through enough." Yurio dropped me and stood up steaming. I shake sitting up and rubbing my head.

Victor: "Y-Yuuri...." I look at Victor he is hugging Vicchan with tears staining his cheeks. "Yuuri I-"

"Can I speak to you Victor....? Privately?" Victor looks at Otabek and Yurio and they leave to another room. I stand up shortly after and walk over to Victor. He puts down Vicchan after petting him and he looks at me. "I'm sorry..."

Victor: "Sorry?! That's all you need to say?!" Victor shifted his weight a bit looking at me with sad eyes.

"No of corse not! Look I was confused I was scared and I was- Everything was happening so fast and my mind couldn't keep up with it. How you told me to run so suddenly when I knew you where in danger and when I got pulled over by a man that I didn't even know!! Then he left and I was stuck there panicking and afraid! I heard gun shots and yelling! A-And when you came back... I thought it was a dream. I thought that... h-Hey!! This is some kind of nightmare right?!! That the man who wears a black cloak and kills people can't be the poodle loving kind and happy man I know and love." Victor turns a bit red and I rub my eyes. "Y-Yea.... you got it out of me!! I love you Victor! Hell I have for a while. You think I over reacted but I didn't!! I couldn't stand to see you like that! I couldn't. So now I am so torn between who you are! Someone who just kills or a kind hearted man who visited me every morning just for the hell of it... a-and.... it's... it's why I woke up every morning it's why I pushed myself it's why I kept making new recipes because I knew you loved them. And you loved seeing me smile. And you-you just.... where always there.... So I'm sorry...." I tear up and Victor pulls me close to him. His heart~ it's racing. Victor holds me a bit tighter and I shake.

Victor: "It's okay Yuuri. I'm here." I snap and just start crying. Hard. My face in his shoulder and my arms around his torso. "It's okay. You where scared and I shouldn't have put so much in you.... it's okay. I'm here I'm here." I grip onto his shirt and melt into his hug.

"I'm horrible for what I said! I- God Victor I'm sorry....! I only want you to be happy and to be smiling..." Victor sighs and I feel his head on top of mine. "Am I not good enough...?! Did I do something to make you act this way...?! I- Victor please say something!! I don't understand!"

Victor: "Yuuri yuuri. Shh, its okay just breathe for me okay?" I nod and just breathe in his arms. "Yuuri you didn't do anything to make me do anything that I did... After my orphanage got burned down I was found by JJ I was lost confused and I had no home and no place to go it to feel safe. I forgot about Yurio I forgot about my family all I knew was my name... JJ bandaged me up and started offering me jobs. They started off small and when I got enough money I bought my house. Afer that I was given my robe and moved up to assassination instead of spying because JJ saw skill in me. I trained day and night but I never killed because I liked it. Everyone JJ told me to kill where always people who worked for Chris...."

"Just like the two men...?!"

Victor: "Yes. The first time I ever killed I was broken and hurt. I cried right after and if there was anyone else I would have died. So what I did to say sorry is in the house beside me their where pink flowers. I picked one and placed it on there wound and apologized. The guards found thinking it was any old murder but after a few weeks, I gained the name The Pink Flower and... Out of fear. Out of protection and out of worry. I kept killing.... To keep you Otabek and Yurio safe..."

"Wait so when I met you..."

Victor: "I was training. And when you brought me in and saw my wound and healed it... I-I couldn't have been more grateful. Because... I have only lived you from far away. You remember the notes you got from you're secret admirer..?" I nod. "That was me." I jump and look at Victor in shock. Victor looks at me with gentle eyes and gently wipes my cheek from the tears they where still falling. "I could never tell you because I needed to keep you safe..." I then smack my lips to Victors and he smiles and kisses me back closing his eyes and kissing back.

Thank you.

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