Chapter 4

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No Ones P.O.V.
Meredith and Derek woke up to slamming of cabinets downstairs. "Ugh my mother's home. She's supposed to be at work" Meredith sighed and put some sweats on "you can come with if you want" he nodded and they walked downstairs.
"Mom! Stop slamming the damn doors god!!" She yelled and her mom. "Since when do you get to talk to your mother with that language?!"
Ellis screamed in her face. "Mother just go to work. I'm on spring break. I'd like to have a good break. A break without fighting you!!"
"Fine. Whatever. Damn it I'm late!! Thanks a lot Meredith for making me late."
"Yea. Whatever..." Meredith walked back upstairs and curled up in a ball in the bathroom corner and cried. She began to sit up and reach for the ten-blade but Derek stopped her. "Mer please don't.." She nodded and layed back down crying.
Derek came over and held her. And wiped her tears. "I just don't know what to do about it anymore. I mean she obviously doesn't care about me. So why do I even try?" She just kept crying.
"Mer I don't know what to say but-" he got cut off by his phone. "One sec my moms calling okay. I'm stepping right outside the door don't move okay?"
Meredith just nodded her head in agreement as he got up. Derek answer the phone Hey ma. Yea can you come over to Mer's house. I need some help. I'll explain when you get here just please hurry okay??
Carolyn(his mom) agreed and came over within the next few minutes. "Derek what's wrong??" Derek opened the door to mers room. "Now Mom listen to me before you go in there. She's very fragile. I don't know what to say. I feel helpless. Right before you called she asked why she even tries. She's a cutter. A very bad one okay. She had a huge fight with her mother this morning. She has no one but me. I don't know what to do Mom. Help me." Derek said tearing up.
"Okay Derek. I can talk to her. Okay? It will be okay. I promise. Go get her a glass of water" he nodded and headed down stairs. Carolyn walked into the bedroom and sat on the side of the bed. "Meredith? It's Carolyn but you can call me Mom. You are dating my son and I will treat and love you like my own. From now on. Now talk to me sweetie. What's going on??"
Meredith sat up "Mom?"
"Yes honey?"
"I....i.... I've never had someone to call Mom." Meredith began through tears. "My Mother calls me a disappointment almost everyday. In every fight. She always reminds me how I'm a mistake. And how she never wanted a kid. She's a surgeon I get it but I don't have anyone. I also get it because I'm fat and ugly. She makes sure that I know it. Everyday. My dad left me when I was 3 and I just want to die." Meredith was bawling by now. Derek wanted more than anything to be there but he knew his mom had to do it.
"Mer, sweetie. You are not a disappointment nor a mistake. You are definitely not fat or ugly. Look at me, I'm sure Derek has already told you but you're beautiful and cared for and loved. Okay?" Carolyn was tearing up by now. Meredith just cried. Carolyn brought her into a hug. Derek thought this would be a good time to step in. "Here mer. I brought you some water." Carolyn stood up. Gave her son a hug and left. Meredith ran up to Derek and just hid in his arms.
"Babe do you wanna go watch something?" She just nodded and Drank the water. Derek picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and layed on his shoulder. He carried her downstairs and turned on Enchanted her favorite. He made some popcorn and cake and sat down next to her. She cuddled up into his side and fell asleep half-way through the movie so he carried her back upstairs and held her.....

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