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As I told Gus;

I got sick.

After the beach, Gus and I walked home, our clothes soaking wet.

My mom was concerned as to how it happened, but each time she asked I shrugged it off and changed the subject.

As of right now; I was laying in bed with a box of tissues, watching TV and snuggling my pillow.

I couldn't bring myself to go to school today, so mom let me stay home.

I sighed, rolling over and grabbing my phone off the nightstand.

A shocker, right?

I own a phone.

The lockscreen was me and my mom, both of us sitting infront of the house; smiling. Dad would've been in it, but he didn't like having his picture taken.

I unlocked my phone, a small smile appearing on my face.

It was of Gus and I on the roof, his head on my shoulder and my arm around him.

We both looked genuinely happy.

Speaking of Gus, he hasn't tried to talk to me since yesterday.

Which is weird because he usually always either comes over, calls, or texts...


I decided not to dwell on it much, considering we spent all of our time together so having time apart for one day wouldn't kill me.

At least I don't think so.

I went on Instagram, deciding to just scroll and see what everyone was up to.

Natalia, my dear Russian companion, had posted a lovely photo of herself.

People I knew were commenting about how beautiful she was, and how they loved her...

And there were about 20 comments that weren't even in english.

Damn me and my inability to speak foreign languages.

I left a friendly comment, then continued on my scrolling.


I jolted awake, seeing my mother standing at the door with a tiny plastic bag in her hands.


"I said; Liza gave me some cookies for you since I told her you weren't feeling well."


I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes and sniffling again.

"What time is it?"

"6 p.m"


I stood up, walking over to my mom amd accepting the cookies.

"You should tell her thank you."


"Whenever you're feeling better. Why are you up anyways?"

"I gotta pee."

"Over sharing."

"You asked."

I set the cookies on my bed, walking out of my room and heading to the bathroom to do my duties.

Whenever I finished up in there, I headed back to my room and flopped onto my bed.

I checked my phone, seeing I had a new text message.

The urge to go back to sleep quickly faded when I opened the text.

Peepee 😤💖: u sick like me or no?

[y/n] 💖: maybe

Peepee 😤💖: i been asleep all day n i woke up to ur mom bein in my living room taking my cookies 😤😤😤

[y/n] 💖: those were 4 me, bih

Peepee 😤💖: fite me, thottie

[y/n] 💖: wtf that mean

Seen 6:22 p.m

What the hell does thottie mean?

Did he just leave me on read?

Damn, this night was already too much for my sick-ass to handle.

I shoved my face into the pillow, setting my phone on the nightstand and closing my eyes again.

My phone went off one last time, but I didn't bother to check it since I was far too sleepy.


I tried something new! Should I never do that again, or did you guys enjoy it? I hope you guys like the book so far, I'm working hella hard on it. :)

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