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Day 2 of 7

The next day was cold.

A lot colder than it had been the past few days.

Gustav came over dressed in 2 pairs of sweats, 2 long sleeved shirts and a hoodie.

He tapped on my window at about 9 in the morning, which immediately caused me to look up from my writing.

Gus waved, smiling and clearly shivering.

I immediately moved my stuff off the desk and forced the window open, stepping back as Gus pulled himself through the window and onto my desk.

The cold air leaking in from the now open window caused me to shiver and wrap my arms around myself, watching as Gus attempted to straighten himself up to close the window.

"It's cold."

He spoke softly, finally managing to push himself off the desk and close the window.

"Yeah, I'd definitely say so."

He rolled his eyes, locking the window and turning back to me with a small smile on his face.

"What's the agenda for today?"

I checked my list, eyes scanning for the next plan.

My eyes landed on it, and a small smirk appeared on my face.

"I gotta get dressed."

I quickly grabbed a shirt and jeans out of my drawers, throwing off my pajamas without a care.

"Woah, woah, woah there!"

I looked at Gus, rolling my eyes and pulling my jeans up my legs.

"Oh boohoo, nothing you haven't seen before, pal."

Gustav's face turned a light crimson before he turned around and mumbled a "hush."

I smiled at him; blowing a kiss then putting my long sleeved shirt on.

Gus shuffled to my bed, flopping down face first into my pillows and letting out a sigh of relief.

I huffed, walking towards my bed and sitting beside him, my hand naturally resting on his back.


"Yeah (y/n)?"

Silence flooded the room for a hot 20 seconds before I smiled and laid down beside him.

"I think I love you."

He turned his head, a bright smile on his face, his eyes showing nothing but adoration.

"I think I love you too."

He leaned forward, lightly kissing my lips. One of his hands came up, stroking the side of my face before he pulled away.

❛The Light In The Shadows❜ (LiL PEEP x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now