Chapter 2: Age

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My father had been hitting my mother for years now and I frankly didn't know what to do about it. I turned 12. on my birthday my parents were happy and I thought maybe things would get better. On my birthday i invited all my friends from school. not many. I don't have many. I was happy that day. I got Showered in love, which never really happens because my parents are always fighting and rarely have time for me anymore. my mom and dad seemed happy I mean in my eyes they did. mom still had bruises and black eyes and a fat lip. the blood was dried. I told her that she needed to wipe it off and she did but scabs kept opening and bleeding so there was no reason to wipe it off. people asked her what happened she had to say something like Oh I fell or I got mugged or something that would cover up the fact that my dad was not who she thought he was or who anybody else that he was. I like to think that I have a pretty good life but a few days after the party after all my friends were gone when the cake was gone it all started again. I thought maybe because I was older now they had gotten along it made sense to me at the time but looking back it doesn't make sense now. I mean I wish that my parents wouldn't fight all The Time . One night I was sleeping I heard something break sounding like glass I knew what it was so I didn't go out and check but the next morning when I woke up I got up got dressed for school I grabbed my backpack and my books and I set them by my bed so I would remember them. I walked into the living room to find our family portrait smashed the picture ripped and frankly the whole room was a disaster. I walked into the kitchen area and I tried to step over on the glass broken and all of the things that were knocked around. I sweeped up some of it. the usual. it just seemed really really messy this time. I got my cereal, sat down, ate it, did my dishes, put them away and got up from the table. when I walked into my father's and mother's room i found nobody in there then i went into the bathroom. nobody was in there. Our small house didn't have many rooms it had  a bathroom 2 bedrooms a kitchen and living room but there was also garage so I checked there and there was no one in sight I thought maybe my parents had gone somewhere to pick something up or they went somewhere to talk so I got my stuff and I got on the bus. Its a long day of school, normal classes lunch time sat with a few friends but not much and then more classes. when I got out of school I missed the bus so I had to walk home I got there at about maybe 6 and school gets out at 4. took me a while to walk. my house is pretty far I don't know why they don't just let me go to the school near my house but as I walked I felt a feeling in my stomach like somebody was Watching me I turned around and there was someone watching me but it wasn't a creepy stalker like I thought it would be. just a kid who went to my school I knew Who he was.he was in my biology class his name, Darien Smith and he and I used to be best friends at least when he still lived in my neighborhood he caught up to me and stood next me and we talked till I got home then he kept walking past our neighborhood and into his. When I got home my dad sitting at the door waiting he got up and he hugged me.  he said "I was worried sick" i had seen 3 beer glasses next to the chair he was sitting on I asked him where mom was and he said "she's… here sit down" I sat down on the little bench and he explained to me that she left and she wasn't coming back. I replied, "Did she leave or is she dead" that seemed to offend him. As tears rolled down my face he said, "she packed up and left"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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