Why do i try? ~ chapter 5

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Hey guys im sorry my chapters have been really short. How do you like it so far though? Let me know... loves you guys ;*


"CLAIR!" I screamed at the top of my lungs trying to make clair come out of her house, so we could get to school alittle on time.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP "CLAIIIIIRRRRRR!" I yelled one more time and honking the horn before i got out of the car. While i was walking up to her front door she walked out in her pajamas.

" What is all the yelling for?!" she yelled at me.

" Did you just wake up?" i asked her looking at my phone to see what time it was.

" it is 7:55 in the morning Clair. We are so late!" i yell at her. As she just stands there not even giving a thought about what day it is. Wait. what day is it? I relooked at my phone to relize its sunday! Well so much for svhool I thought while starting to laugh at my dumbness.

" Why are you laughing!?" clair asked now half way awake. Maybe i could trick her into thinking it monday too.

" It's monday and we are sooo late for school." i said, now more calm.

"What in the world. Oh my gosh. oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. WAIT no its not yesterday was saturday!" Clair said will trying to go back inside. Befor she could reach the handle i was at her side.

" Can i come in too?" i asked. While hoping she wpuld say yes.

"Yeah i guess." she said with a smile. As we walked inside her apartment, I noticed it was completely empty. The only thing that was still there was her box T.V. which was on the floor and her black leather couch.

" Where did all your stuff go?" i asked clair while trying not to sound rude.

" storage" she said while throwing an plain white teeshirt and some high waisted shorts on. after she slipped into her black flip flops we were out the door and in my jeep.

On the way back to my house Tanner tried to call but i didnt answer. He was in some deep shit when i get back. He let me believe it was monday. What am i gonna do with that boy. The car ride was so quit, Clair was passed out in the back seat with her body stretch out and one arm over her eyes. As i pulled up to the gates i honked the horn and put in the code. What happened next i could have never imagined...

A.n. im sorry it is so short i will add more soon thank you for reading♥♥♥

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