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Author Pov.

Yoongi and taehyung laid down the kids on the bed in the extra room before the two of them went to the living room, yoongi changed the two boys while taehyung went to make something drink.

The older sat in the living room as he stared at the ceiling, he was really tired and worried, he kept on thinking on how to help jimin and protect him but he was reaching a dead end.

" here.. " taehyung said as he offered the male the cup of coffee, yoongi smiled as he muttered a low thank you, taehyung sat next to him as he faced him.

" so.. you and jimin, you guys seem to be close? " taehyung asked trying to get to know the male, yoongi smiled as he nodded, " well he was my fiancé " he chuckled before taking a sip from his drink.

" fiancé? " the younger asked confused slightly, " mmm.. we were engaged for a while but we broke it off " yoongi said as the younger nodded his head in understanding, " why did you guys break it off? " taehyung asked.

" mmm.. he was really in love? Jungkook had him whipped for him " yoongi laughed as taehyung just nodded with a knowing smile, " I felt a little bit disappointed but I didn't mind " he added.

" does that mean you love him? " the younger asked as he examined yoongi face, " I do.. but as a brother?.. mm.. yeah a younger brother that I want to protect " yoongi said as he smiled his famous gummy smile, taehyung couldn't stop himself from smiling too.

" then why were you disappointed? " he asked as yoongi took a sip of his drink, " because he was sweet.. also my parents will stop bothering me about marriage " yoongi laughed again.

" how about you? " yoongi asked as the younger tensed up, taehyung smiled nervously " nothing.. it just me I guess.. ", yoongi placed down his cup and turned to gaze at the younger face.

" I thought you and that hope guy were dating? " yoongi asked confused as taehyung eyes widened a little bit, he felt uncomfortable as he rubbed his neck " mmm.. we did.. but not anymore.. ".

" oh, why is that? " the older asked as taehyung bit his lips, he smiled showing his goofy boxy smile before standing up " I.. I forgot the boiler on.. be right back " he said before walking away toward the kitchen.

Yoongi knew that he messed up, he didn't waste much time as he stood up and followed the guy, he saw taehyung back facing the door as the younger cried silently.

He felt sorry and guilty for making him cry, he slowly approached him before gently rubbing his back, " I am sorry.. I didn't mean to make you cry.. " the older said as taehyung glanced at him.

Taehyung wiped his tears away before turning to look at the pale guy, " it's ok.. I just... I get emotional when I talk about this.. sorry.. ", yoongi shook his head as he caressed taehyung cheeks " if you want to talk.. go ahead, I will listen to you ".

" you will regret it " taehyung warned as he chuckled slightly trying to change the atmosphere, the older just smiled " try me? ", taehyung smiled as he looked down at his hands " ugh..mm.. I just feel.. hurt? I confessed to him and told him I liked him.. he said he shared the same feelings.. so we started dating.. "

" then he said I am so clingy that I made him realize that he doesn't really love me.. at least not in a romantic way.. because I easily annoyed him.. he wanted to go back to being friends before going further in the relationship.. " taehyung said as yoongi looked at him in disbelief.

" I guess because all our friends were either dating or married.. that why he felt that he was onto me for always spending time with me? But yeah.. he is not.. " taehyung smiled as he looked at yoongi with teary eyes, " I am just simply clingy and annoying ".

The older held his waist and gently pulled him closer to him, his lips few inches apart from him " I don't think it's true.. you don't seem like the annoying type.. " the older said as taehyung raised an eyebrow leading him to chuckle at the action, " ok not that you're not annoying.. " he said as the younger pouted " it just I don't think the annoying in his mind is the same as mine, I think you have a cute annoying personality " he added leading taehyung to blush.

" were you the type that kept wanting to go on dates and roam around the country? " yoongi asked as he stared at the boy eyes, " not really.. I just liked to cuddle and have movie marathons.. " he said as he avoided looking at yoongi eyes.

" ok what's wrong with that guy? " yoongi asked as he laughed slightly, " why? " taehyung asked confused, yoongi smiled as he unconsciously leaned forward, " I think that the best thing when being in a relationship " he said as he glanced at taehyung lips " who would want to leave the bed when they have someone perfect laying next to them? " he said as taehyung became a blushing mess.

The younger wasn't aware of how red his face was nor the way he leaned closer in hope to feel the older lips against his own, it like he wanted to kiss him yet not?, he was so lost in the moment that he leaned so close that their lips almost touched.

" yoonii~~ " minguk whined startling the two males, yoongi laughed awkwardly as he turned to look at the sleepy boy, taehyung chuckled at the older reaction, he looked at him as he carried minguk who was rubbing his eyes " what's wrong minnie? " he asked nervously.

" why did you go? Stay with me yooni " minguk said as he hugged the older neck, " sorry I was talking to taehyung, I didn't mean to leave you " he said as he rubbed the younger back.

" you want to kiss taetae? " he asked leading yoongi to stop, " why would you think so? " yoongi asked, " appa and kookie always kiss.. you want a kiss too? " he asked sleepily.

" kookie? " yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, " yeah.. jiwoon appa " he said as the older groaned, " that a pervert minnie, I am not like him ", minguk giggled as he tightened his grip on the male neck " what pervert mean? ".

Yoongi cursed himself as he entered the room, " it means a bad guy who want to do bad things " he said as the younger gasped, " kookie is a bad guy? " he asked with a pout.

The older knew if he say more weird things to minguk about jungkook, jimin will kill him so he just smiled and shook his head, he helped the younger to get under the cover and hug the boy sleeping next to him.

" good night minnie " yoongi said as minguk smiled at him, he mumbled a low " good night " before closing his eyes, he hugged jiwoon arm while using it as a pillow that he can rest on, yoongi waited for the younger to fall asleep before leaving the room again.

Not proofread
Sorry for not posting yesterday
Hope you guys like this chapter

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