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" yooni~~ wa..wait for me " minguk struggled as he pulled his bag behind him, yoongi came back to see minguk pulling a bag full with toys, " what all this for? " the older asked as minguk smiled widely, " toys " he said while showing his crescents eye smile.

" minnie, you are taking too much " jimin said as he carried the bag and looked through it, " minnie you have to take less.. like one or two? " he added leading minguk to pout, " but appa.. this one for me " he said as he took a toy, " and this for Ji~ " he added as he took another toy.

" and the rest? " jimin asked with a raised eyebrow, " for yooni and taetae~ " minguk said with a wide smile, " minnie~ pick less or you won't go " jimin said shocking the boy, jungkook started laughing as he saw his son lips formed into a round shape as he stared at jimin.

" I will take this.. " minguk said as he pulled his fluffy bunny plush toy, jimin smiled as he ruffled his son hair, " behave yourself and don't bother yoongi and taehyung, ok? " jimin said as minguk nodded, " ok let's go " yoongi said as he held minguk hand.

" take care of the boys yoongi.. " jimin said leading the older to smile, " don't worry jimin, now go inside and rest " jimin smiled at the older before he nodded, the two waved goodbye and left after riding the car.

Jimin and jungkook were left alone after the couple left with their kids, " so.. now time for my princess to fall asleep and rest " jungkook said as he carried jimin bridal style, jimin giggled as he shook his head " I don't want to sleep yet.. ".

" Ok, let's lay down until we sleep? " jungkook suggested leading the boy to nod his head, the two entered the room as jungkook laid him down on the bed before he went to play some calm music after he dimmed the lights, " I thought you wanted to sleep? " jimin giggled as he saw jungkook approached him with a pervert look on his face.

" we can also do a lot of stuff that may help quicken our sleeping process? " jungkook said with a playful smirk leading the older to roll his eyes at him, " kookie I told you, we wo- " jungkook laughed as he jumped over the bed surprising jimin.

" are you sure? " jungkook asked as he opened his first two buttons after straddling jimin legs, jimin bit his lips as he eyed jungkook action, " want me to go further? " the younger asked as he opened the third button, jimin unconsciously nodded leading jungkook to connect their lips.

Jungkook licked the older lips with the tip of his tongue before slowly sucking on them, jimin held the younger arms from his elbows as he slowly pulled him over him, jungkook hand easily found its way toward the smaller boy face.

gently stroking jimin face as he kissed his lips, " we should stop here.. or else I won't be able to control myself " jungkook mumbled on the boy's lips, jimin breathed heavily as he nodded, jungkook smiled and laid next to his fiancé, " so.. " jungkook started as he felt jimin resting his arms on his chest before he tilted his head which rested over his arms.

" kookie.. do you think we will be able to have a peaceful life.. anytime soon? " jimin asked curiously as he traced circles on the boy muscular toned chest, jungkook smiled as held the boy small hand and brought it near his mouth.

" that why.. how about we get married sooner than what we planned? " jungkook asked as he kissed the boy index finger which jimin was using to draw invisible circles on jungkook chest, jimin stayed still as he stared at the boy's eyes, a smile taking over his face as he saw the pout on jungkook lips " you don't want too? " he asked leading jimin to shake his head.

" let's do it.. I can't wait to be yours.. " jimin blushed as he realized how eager he sounded, jungkook scoffed " doesn't that mean you were never mine? " the younger asked as jimin stared at him, " but we aren't officially together.. " jimin said earning a bite on his index finger.

" sorry to break it out for you, you were always mine, and always will! " the boy said sternly as he wrapped his arms around jimin burying his head on his wide chest, jimin giggled as he nodded at what his bunny-like fiancé said.

" always yours.. " jimin mumbled as a yawn escaped his lips, jungkook hummed as he noticed how sleepy jimin was getting, he started gently stroking his hair as he hummed a beautiful song to the boy's ear, for the first time in a while, jimin felt relieved.

he enjoyed being protected in the younger boy embrace, jungkook looked at jimin who was now snoring softly against his chest from how tired he was, jungkook bunny teethed smile was on full display as he realized what he just offered the boy.

they finally are taking the most important step in their relationship, marriage.. thanks to Mrs.jeon the couple got separated leading jimin to run away as he hid jungkook son away from him, jungkook being angry at his boyfriend made him take his anger on his wife with sex.

he regrets the marriage but he never regretted what he gained from it, though he and jiwoon always argue deep down they loved and cared about each other a lot, it was just that jungkook was still young when he became a father so it was hard for him to develop a relationship with his son as jimin did with minguk.

but now, everything is about to change, he didn't except jimin to accept raising his son with him, but who was he kidding jimin was nowhere near the people he ever met through his life, he always surprised him with his actions and reactions that was extremely different from normal people surrounding him.

all that matter now, he was starting a new life with his other half and two precious souls that he feels so proud to have them as his sons, jungkook slowly felt himself falling asleep but never loosened his grip on jimin who was finally sleeping peacefully in his arms.

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