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Hey everyone before we start, I want to shout a fan out. Their name is idkat06. I want to thank you for all your support and the nice comments!!

I flew to the D.E.O. as fast as I could. I think I broke the sound barrier. Anyways, I walked in and immediately told the troops to look and scan for any sign of toyman. Anything that would give away his location. They started right away. I was listening for a heartbeat of Winn's. I couldn't find one though. With all the noise of the city, I'm not surprised.


"Hey! Kara! Is what's wrong?!" I asked. As I looked into Kara's eyes she handed me a note. The last word was toyman. I understood. "Kara, we will find him, in the mean time, why don't you go check on Mon" I said. She nodded her head and said "Let me know if anything happens." "Sure thing"


I changed into Kara Danvers. I needed to be. I needed to be normal for a little bit. I walked in and checked in with the secretary that hates her job. She told me room 309. The same number as my apartment. Oh how I miss being able to just sit down and eat ice cream by myself. As I walked into the room there was a doctor. I asked him, "Any news?" "Actually yes. His seizures have spread out and his cardiac arrest's have stopped completely. I don't know how Mrs. Danvers but, he's going to live." I jumped so high I might have flown a little. I let out a huge squeal. I ran over to his bed and grabbed his hand. I was still jumping. Just a little. I couldn't wait for him to open his eyes. I don't remember falling asleep, all I remember is sitting down and holding Mon-El's hand. When I woke up, Mon-El was awake too! "Hey Kara" I started to cry. "Hello Mon-El" I sat next to him as he wiped my tears. It felt so right. All of it did. Including this. I grabbed the back of his neck and lifted it to me. He was shocked but I could tell he wanted it. I kissed him. When I did, he grabbed my waist and soon we were kissing like a regular couple. This feels right. "Kara-" Mon-El started to speak. I quickly shut his mouth by covering it with mine. I hear another voice in my head. "Kara, it's Alex. We found toyman. You need to get here, now!"

Complicated: A Karamel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now