Around and Around we go

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I could see Mon-El going after Adam. He was furious. I think he intended to kill. I quickly ran after Mon-El. I yelled his name over and over. This was the angriest I've ever seen him. He had fire in his eyes. I knew he intended to kill now. I used my superspeed to rush over to Mon-El. I got in front of him and turned around and put my hands on his chest. He looked at me. Then he looked up trying to find Adam. "Hey, Mon-El. Hey! Slow down! Mon-El Stop!" I started to yell again. "What Kara! Get out of my way. Why did you let him do that!? You have superstrengh. You could have easily gotten I'm off of you. Am I not enough Kara? Does that ring mean anything to you?" "Of course. It means the world and beyond to me. You are my world. And the reason I didn't push him off is because his mother is the queen of media. If I would have used my strength then he would have ratted me out to the press! So I'm sorry Mon-El. Now let's go inside. We are getting married soon. Now aren't​we?" Mon-El looked around before looking at me again. "I'll make sure that boy never touches you again." Mon-El said.


I know it wasn't Kara's fault. I know she didn't know he was going to do that. I saw it. She wasn't kissing him back. So I couldn't be mad at her. I wouldn't. We were getting married soon. I couldn't let that go to waste because Kara's ex showed up. I loved her and I knew that if I wanted her forever, I'd have to let this go. So I did. I looked at her in the eyes and said "I'm sorry." "It's okay. Now let's go inside." I kissed her and then took her hand in mine and she lead us back to her apartment. When we walked in I saw that Alex, J'onn, and James were there. Although James had just got there.


"Sorry everyone, now where were we?" Alex responded with "I was opening champagne and you were putting on some show about science." "It's not just some show, it's shark week!!" I have always loved shark week. "Can it tell you all a story? Alex knows, she was there." "Yeah, go ahead. I'd love to hear it." James said. He had this look in his eye. Like he was waiting for something, but it wasn't my story. I don't know. "Um- when I was 14 or 15, my family went to the beach for my birthday, I was swimming in the ocean when I feel something nudge my toes. I look down to see a shark! It was at least 12 feet long. I yell 'SHARK' and everyone gets out of the water. I on the other hand go and handle the shark when a man came up from down below. He had a tridon in his hand. He had blonde hair, he wasn't bad looking either." I looked at Mon-El with a grin. He looked back with an eye roll and a smile. "So, I wave hi to him and he waves back. Then, he starts talking to the shark. And they both leave. Just like that. So, what this means is that Merman's are real." I start laughing and soon everyone else was too. Of course, nothing good lasts. I run to the bathroom and puke out kryptonite. "What the hell?" Mon-El comes into the room. "What's wrong?" I flush the toilet and turn around. "Oh, um, nothing. I just, I-"  I tried to lie. Tried so hard but, Mon-El said "Crinkle. You're lying." Stupid crinkle. "Can you go get Alex please?" I asked. Soon enough Alex and him were at the door. I was still on the floor. "Thanks Mon-El, you can leave now." "Okay." He leaves and Alex closes the door. "What's wrong Kara?" "On Krypton when you puked kryptonite, it meant one of three things, I am either dying or having a baby. Or even worse. Both."

Complicated: A Karamel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now