The Architect ~ Intro Ep. 1 Who is Demi Lovato?

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"Do you have an appointment sir?" asked the young attractive blonde behind the desk.

"Yes, Jonas at 3." he replied

Wilmer looked around the waiting room of the architecture firm. He was in awe at the grandeur and use of modern chic. With an abstract painting here and there and stainless steel and glass everywhere.

"The architect is ready to see you." the young woman said as she lead him to two stainless steel doors.

"Gracias" he smiled and winked flirtatious. The office was just as splendid as the waiting room; with glass walls, leather,

and it smelled like the beach.

"Hello, Mr. Valderrama, I'm Mr.Jonas " said the handsome man with the charming smile,

"Wilmer, please call me Wilmer." He replied taking his hand and shaking it.

"Joe, pleasure." He smiled

"Well, Joe, do you think I could..." He smiled looking at the blonde behind the glass door, "see her more often." He smiled

"I'd rather we keep this professional sir, if you don't mind... She's married" He chuckled

"Oh... No no. You're right. How rude of me. But aren't they all?" he attempted at a joke but Joe didn't laugh

By now Joe knew that working for this man was going to be very unpleasant. Maybe Joe could get another one of the architects

to take this one just this time.

"Well what is it that I can do for you then?" He asked sitting down behind his desk.

"My spoiled brat of a fiancé wants to build her first home." he said irritated.

Joe looked at this man incredulously, he had just tried to hit on one of his co workers and now he lets him know he's getting married. This man had

no shame. He felt worse however, for the girl he was going to marry. Joe was good to women and he really cared about them.

"Well, do you have any ideas of what she may want?"

"None whatsoever. My fiancé can't be pleased. This is where you come in."

"Well, is she here, will she be coming?"

"Look, your job isn't that hard. The hard part will be planning this out with her."

The architect looked at him, he wanted nothing more than to kick him out and maybe even throw in a punch.

But Joe needed this, Joe needed this project, he hadn't expected a house project and now he wanted it.

"Please don't come in insulting me in my own office. If this is so easy, why don't you do it yourself?" Joe smirked

"Well you see sit, I can't draw to save my life. This architect firm is the most highly recommended and you're the best male architect in it."

"What does me being male have to do with anything?" He replied confused

"You know how women are" he smirked "Can you come by on Monday?"

"No problem, I'll be there at 8." He ignored his sexist remarks because he knew he was gonna explode.

"Make it 11, she's going to court at 8 and wont come back till 10."

"Alright 11 it is." Joe replied

"And we'll go about the contract at the house?" he asked

"Yes, my partner and I will bring the necessary paperwork. it won't have to be signed until I have plans that

your fiancé likes."

"Then don't hold your breathe. I'd just settle for just a sketch, she'll be changing it a lot anyway." he said turning away towards the doors.

Joe looked at him puzzled, he knew this would blow over but he wanted him to do this anyway. He turned back to him and walked over to let him out.

Joe returned to his desk and looked down at the file. He couldn't believe he was taking this job. He needed it he told himself.

Ever since he was little he would draw out what he wished he homes would look like. Growing up his parents had very little, he

was happy nonetheless, but still he never really knew what it would feel like to live in a house. he was 26 now, and had yet to have his own house.

This job was getting him close to his dreams. Soon he would have enough money to build his own home.

The next morning Joe was running around his office getting his contract and bags ready to head out.

"It's your first home isn't it?" asked Nick.

Nick was Joe's best friend, they had known each other since freshman year in high school when they connected over their love of architecture. Together they went through the next 3 years in high school, then college, and now at the firm. While Joe liked to take projects close to home Nick liked to explore the world. He had gone everywhere to help with designing everything from libraries to skyscrapers.

"Dude I'm actually more nervous than I thought."

"Don't be Joe, you don't give yourself enough credit man." He smiled

"Bro I need you today. Make me look good alright?."

"They can't be that bad. Don't worry, stop stressing yourself." Nick resureed him

Joe realized that the area where the house would be built was a lot more fancy than he had imagined. These were mansions, palaces almost. They arrived at the empty lot that they imagined was their new canvas and got out of the car.

"Holy shit, this place must be at least 40 acres? Is it all theirs?" Nick said in awe.

"Actually it's 50, if you include the lake." Wilmer said from behind him.

"Good morning Mr. Valderrama, I'm Nick Cyrus." He said shaking the Hispanics man's hand

"Wilmer, please." he smiled walking over to Joe and greeting him with another handshake

"You'll have to forgive the mess, with our busy schedules we've barely had time to move stuff over here. However I can offer you a cup of coffee."

"Coffee sounds about right." Joe replied

"Feel free to use the dining table to set up whatever you need. I'll be picking up a bigger one later today."

Joe looked over to the table and realized it was smaller than he was used to but he would manage for now. He began taking out his instruments and drawing pads and laying out as much as he could. Then the three sat down with their coffee and had small talk.

the sound of a car pulling up and someone opening the door caught their attention. A box and stacks of folders covered the face of whoever walked in.

"i fucking hate that son of a bitch! I don't even know why I take these stupid cases! Fucking bastards! I'm glad that little shit got locked up up!"

"Hi honey, we have visitors." Wilmer said embarrassed as he walked over to kiss his angry fiancé.

"They weren't supposed to be here till 1, Wilmer."

"They've been here since 11. You're late."

"Oh wow I'm sorry. The fucking judge had to pee so much and it lasted longer than I expected."

it was then that Joe actually saw the woman. This was no ordinary woman; with deep brown eyes, brown hair, and features that could take over the world. Joe was taken back by her beauty. he had forgotten that even though all he heard was bad things about this woman, that she could actually be gorgeous. She wore a right pencil skirt and matching suit with a red button up shirt with a clear view of the black lace bra she was wearing. She looked a mess, but Joe couldn't help but think that she was breathtaking.

"I'm Demi Lovato, it's nice to meet you." the brunette said smiling a little too wide at Joe.

"Jonas. Joe Jonas." He stammered realizing he had been caught ogling the brunette.

Who is Demi Lovato? Dangerous.

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