Leon (Leif)

31 2 4

Ask away!

PlatumSilver asks:
Q: "Hey Leon! Why did you choose your avatar to be a bird? Since they can't fly, why choose an avian race?"

A: "Well, its kind of a funny story. I've always had a liking for birds, but I also love foxes as well. When I was creating my character, I was debating between the two when I looked outside and saw a Bluejay perched on my windowsill. I took it as a sign and selected the Bird option, then the Bluejay species. So yeah, I guess you could call it fate that I chose what character I am now. Although, I molt feathers every once in a while, so that's kind of annoying (although I'm sure fur would've been just as much of a problem)."

Cara_White asks:
Q: "Hi Leon! I just wanted to ask if there is anything particularly annoying and/or strange about being a bird now? Thanks!"

A: "Oh boy, where to start? Well, first there's the molting problem. It's not that common in occurrence, but there's still an embarrassing amount of feathers I can shake off from my cloak every once in a while. Then there's the whole bird noises thing. I sometimes scree and squawk at times when I'm startled, and my voice has cracked more than once with a bird's chirp to top it off. Adam teases me to whistle like a bird, but I'm ironically unable to do so (I could never whistle before either). I guess that the last major problem would be the tail. It's not as bad as Adam's prehensile appendage, but my short little extension has definitely caused me trouble on more than one occasion. I've sat on it multiple times (a painful thing), Adam has pulled a few feathers off more than once (even more painful), and putting on new clothes is just a hassle. So, yeah. I'd recommend if you happen to get a heads up that you're going to be trapped inside a video game sometime in the future: choose an animal that doesn't shed/molt, have an inconvenient tail, or cause your best friend to constantly have reasons to tease you about."

JenniferJones asks:
Q: "Hey Leon; what's your favorite spell? Not the best spell, or the strongest spell, just your favorite. And why?"

A: "Hmm, that's a tough one. Out of the two dozen I have, I'd have to say a peculiar one that I've only successfully cast once. It's a tier five spell that alters one's appearance to become any other kind of person. Unfortunately, it's extremely difficult to use and isn't very helpful in combat. This is because only your appearance changes, not your stats or skills or strength. It's strictly only for cosmetics, and it requires an enormous amount of Mana to maintain the spell. I've only been able to use it for five minutes straight, and even then I was barely able to cast it successfully. It's my favorite because it's a challenge to use, and can be quite flexible if applied properly. By the way, the incantation is: Breyttu holdi mínu = Alter my flesh [BRAY-too hold-ee men-oo]"

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