Chapter 5 - Confession

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    Ok so Helen and I are broken up. And I realize that I still have feelings for Logan. So I know Logan well enough now and I trust him with my secret. That's right I was going to tell Logan that I was gay. Or bi at least cuz like I still want a possibility of like being friends if he doesn't accept gay people.
     So they day came that I was going to tell Logan. I even had Julien on FaceTime with me because I was so nervous and he was the only one who knew I liked him. (Long story). I was too nervous to type. But I had to. I took a deep breath and typed "hey". Logan immediately responded. I felt my heart skip a beat. I tried to do some basic small talk but it wasn't getting me anywhere. So I just tried to get it over with. I tried to word it so I wouldn't having to say the words "I'm bi". I don't know why it's just saying those words to someone just seems uncomfortable. But he wasn't picking up on it so I jus said it. When I sent the text I couldn't even look at his response. I saw his notification pop up and I just buried my head into the pillow.
     When I worked up the nerve to look at what he wrote i crossed my fingers and prayed he wrote something nice. I opened the text. He said "Oh really? Have you told your parents?". First of all no. It's not that they wouldn't be accepting it's just I don't really feel comfortable telling my parents something like that. But at least what he said was nice. We talked about it some more. Logan said that I should go see a counselor. First of all I don't like counselors. And second I was hoping that I could let out my problems to him but I guess not. But he was pretty accepting though so that was nice. I didn't want to tell him that I liked him. I felt like that would weird him out too much. Also from what Logan was saying it didn't seem like he liked me like that. Damn. I just hope this doesn't change our friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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