He looks into her eyes through the brightness of the screen. I know how he feels about her, but she doesn't. I love him but he doesn't love me, and I need to accept that. They talk for four hours. They both say its innocent, but I know it wasn't. They way he looked at me today was different than he did any other day. He didn't sit by me he sat by her. They began to talk about what they did with each other. I understand he's not mine anymore, but the way we talk and laugh it doesn't feel that way. When he told me he still had feelings for me I knew it was to good to be true. I just knew it would pass. People keep saying "he still has feelings for you", but I know the truth. He said he wants to be friends than he doesn't its just driving me crazy that he doesn't know. When I see them together I want to cry then scream I just want him to hold me and tell me its ok; tell me he loves me and that we were made for each other. I know that won't happen he doesn't believe in what we have. She's not helping our situation.