chapter 1

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you woke up, feeling really mchungry. you just had this amazing dream about all your favorite foods. your mouth starts to water, you're getting hungrier by the second. it would be a good idea to get some food before you mcstarve to death.

as you enter the kitchen, you dream about all the mcfood you're about to devour. sadly, you were disappointed with the empty fridge you saw. damn, you have no mcfood in the house.

you were going to have to go out to mcbuy food. you didn't really mind because it was an excuse to go see ronald. he was always at your favorite restaurant; mcdonalds. you wouldn't call yourself mcobsessed, but your little mcshrine of him said other wise.

"one day you'll be mine.." you thought as you slipped on an outfit suitable to mcgo outside.
you then plugged out your mcphone, got some money out of your mcwallet, and headed out to go to mcdonalds.

Ronald McDonald x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now