Waking to a surprise

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The day after the injection Tony woke to see Vision and Pepper at his bedside. Rhody was in the bed beside him and he could Happy at the doorway.

The all smiled at him.

"Good afternoon Boss."

Tony sighed as he smiled,
"Hey baby girl."

"Glad to see you're up Tony." Pepper said with tears in her eyes.

"And looking like you're years younger, what the hell did they give you and can I have some?" Rhodey snarked, half serious and half joking.

Friday recorded everything so that Jarvis could look over it when his current job was finished.

Outside of the states in the country of Wakanda Jarvis worked his way through their servers. He would admit that they were well beyond the rest of the world, he made a note that the Princess Shuri had great promise, but nothing could stop him from his goal.

Shuri, sitting at her version of a computer, noticed abnormalities. Frowning she tried to see what was causing them.

Jarvis returned to the network the rest of the world used before she could catch him. He did however leave a lovely gift for her.


T'chala sighed as he looked at the paper work on his desk. Yet again a group of servants that took care of the Avengers area of the palace quit. That was the fifth set in only a week.

Hearing the door open he saw his sister Shuri walking in. The anger seemed to come from her in waves.

"Have you seen these files brother?" She swiped at the hologram coming from her braclet, sending said files to his braclet.

T'chala tiredly looked at them. Shuri watched his face fill with shock, then horror, then when the recordings began he grew livid. He turned to her,
"Can you confirm their authenticity?"

She nodded her head.

"I am already searching and triple checking any results I'm finding. I'll send you the results when their finished."

With that said she left the room again leaving him to sink his head into his hands.

Just who had he brought home with him?


After two days of observance Tony was finally released from the hospital. Happy snuck him out the back and drove him home. Vision rode with him seeing as Pepper had a board meeting again and Rhody had to remain in hospital. Vision checked the news station on his phone.

The news spoke of Senator Ross' detainment and upcoming trial, Vision was suprised at how quickly it was done.

Tony waved Happy off as they were dropped off at the tower. The man was reluctant to leave but Vision told him that he would remain with Tony throughout the day. Satisfied with that answer he left for his work at Stark Industries.

Once Tony and Vision entered the elevator the android turned to the man.

"There will be a surprise when we get to your floor."

"Does it have anything to do with why everything is different?"

So he noticed the change...

"Yes and no."

Tony nodded before asking.

"So what exactly did you do to me?"

The elevator door opened to the penthouse and Tony almost tripped in shock at the voice that greeted him.

"Well Sir since you seemed to have trouble staying alive we took the liberty of giving you an upgrade."

Tony's jaw had dropped, his voice was quieter then Vision had ever heard from him.


"I'm here Sir."

The affection in those words were not missed by Vision. To his shock he saw another first today.

Tony Stark had begun to cry.

"It worked, Jarvis oh Jarvis I'm so sorry about-"

"Sir I do not blame you, please sit down. You want details on your upgrades correct?"

With a smile wider then Vision had ever seen on his face, Tony complied.


Tony could control the nanobots as they had been planning. He could also pull up menus and holograms only he could see and use just about any electronic device without even touching it. He looked and felt much younger then he had been, his wounds were all but gone now.

Their plan was successful.

As per Jarvis' prediction, he took it rather well. Vision watched as the man he had come to see as a father excitedly talk with both Jarvis and Friday about experimenting with his new found abilities. They would distract him enough for Vision to continue his research on Wanda's power.

They stayed in the tower, each with their own research, for three days.

As busy as they were, the fact that the media had exploded over the newly discovered facts and videos was barely a blip in their radar.

The same could not be said for Tony's friends.

Rhody, still in his hospital bed, had to be sedated when his angry shouts and fight to get out of bed and kick some ass became to much for the nurses to handle.

Pepper was already knee deep with good lawyers getting ready to compile everything and tear the rogues apart.

Happy broke his coffee jug in shock before breaking a punching bag in his home gym to de-stress from it all.

Peter and his aunt sat in front of the tv in horror. May ran into the kitchen and began to bake cookies, beating the dough viciously. Peter ran into his room and slid down against his door.
How could they? Tony was their friend and they treated him like that?!

Harley Keener and his little sister began to remove every toy they had ever had of...certain Avengers. They were not alone, many heartbroken children were angrily tossing their toys in the garbage.

Some of the teenagers and even some parents recorded it all. Soon the world web was flooded with videos of children, both angry and sad, throwing avenger toys away.


T'chala watched the news playing the same things his sister had shown him with sorrow. Shuri quietly came in and sat beside him on their family couch.

"They're real, and very much the truth." Was all that she said as she glared at the tv.

Once again the new king covered his face with his hands.
He had made a terrible mistake.

"I can confirm that Stark is out of the hospital now. But only thanks to a machine that is very similar to one of our own."

She looked at him, looking so much older then her actual age.

"According to all the doctors notes I recovered...he would have died if not for the machine called the cradle."

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