"CHAPTER 1: Meet and greet (Day 1)"

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I finished writing on my notebook and gazed upon the bus window to see the trees and mountains as I head towards my destination, I sighed with worry about how Camp Buddy would look like, while thinking about the camp, I was also deep in my imaginations about what my little brother told me before summer,

"Hey big bro, you should join Camp Buddy this summer! It's really fun! And you're gonna meet new friends there!" my little brother said with excitement, "Hmm.. I don't know. I just want to be alone here, I don't wanna meet nor see anyone for now" I sighed as I just laid on the couch with an expressionless look, "Awwwww... Come on, just join pleeeaaaassseeeee, it will be fun! And I don't wanna see you again with that expressionless face of yours after joining Camp Buddy." he hugged me tight like he was really begging for it, "*sigh* Fine, if it makes you happy, then I'll do it." I smiled to assure him, "Yaaaaaaaay! Trust me big bro, you're gonna love it there!" he jumped with excitement, it really makes me smile whenever he's happy.

*sigh* I'm thinking that Camp Buddy will be a boring camping site with damp cabins and stinky toilets, but since my little brother really want me to join, then I'll do it, and it was a good thing that my parents agreed for me to go camping this summer, even though camping isn't really my thing, they said that I was really spending my time alone every summer so they thought it was a good thing to send me at Camp Buddy so that I could meet new people.

I was suddenly brought back to reality when the bus suddenly stopped, "NEXT STOP, CAMP BUDDY!" the conductor shouted as if everyone should hear him yell, I closed my notebook and sighed, "Here we go." I stepped off the bus with my bags and just kept silent, as I was about to open my mouth, I was fascinated by the sight in front of me, comfy cabins, clean campgrounds, clear springs, beautiful mountain landscapes, and the sun is just perfect on it's spot in the mountains. 'Woah, I never thought Camp Buddy would look so amazing like this, I guess this place isn't so bad as I thought' I said in my mind. While admiring the view,  I suddenly heard someone shout, "KEITAROOOOO!!!" I didn't notice that a boy with brown hair and green-tinted eyes was right beside me, and the boy who shouted has an orange hair with a Raccoon-like tail on his pants.

'Oh, so I think this boy beside me is Keitaro, but who's that guy with an orange hair?' The boy with an orange hair approached this 'Keitaro guy' beside me and talked for a while, I just listened to their conversation while also admiring the view of the camping site, I was about to enter when I felt someone poke my back, I looked behind me and saw Keitaro smiling, "Hey there! My name is Keitaro Nagame!" he waved his hand at me, 'He looked very friendly and cheerful' "It's nice to meet you Keitaro, my name is Haru Minamoto." I smiled slightly at him, I didn't notice the boy with orange hair beside Keitaro, "And who might you be?" I asked boy with orange hair, he grinned and said "I'm Hiro Akiba, and if I may inform you, Keitaro and I are best friends!" Keitaro had a faint blush on his cheeks, "H-Hiro! you don't have to tell that to everyone we meet!" Keitaro scratched his cheek with his finger showing that he's a little embarrased "Oh, nice to meet you Hiro, and don't worry, it's okay to show your relationship as best friends in public Keitaro." I looked at Keitaro with an expressionless face.

"See Keitaro? There's no need to be embarrased about. Hmph!" Hiro poked Keitaro's cheek while giggling. While they were busy having fun with each other, I continued on walking around Camp Buddy, "Haru wait up!" I looked back and saw Hiro and Keitaro catching up, "Hey! Don't just leave so suddenly." Hiro pouted. "Sorry, I thought you guys were busy having fun." I said while scratching the back of my head. "Hahaha.. Sorry about that Haru." Keitaro apologized. "Anyway, we should check out the campgrounds guys." Hiro pointed at the campgrounds. "Yeah, let's go." I said as we started to walk.

While arriving at the campgrounds with Keitaro and Hiro, the huge guy smiled and said, "Hello. How may I help you three?"... "We are here to join Camp Buddy, sir!" Hiro grinned. "Oh! Then you must be Mr. Nagame, Mr. Akiba, and Mr. Minamoto, I've been expecting the three of you. Welcome to Camp Buddy! My name is Yoshinori Nagira, or you can just call me Scoutmaster Yoshi."... "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir!" Keitaro sounded like he's so pumped up, "Wow! Such enthusiasm! I'm impressed! I believe that you three have the potential to become great scouts, as of the youth of today's generation, I have seen many of them who have their own dreams and satisfactions, but I see it in the three of you that you will become successful not just in your dreams but also in scouting, because as what Aristotle have said, n--" I never thought he would give a speech after introducing himself, but I suddently heard Hiro interrupt him by clearing his throat "Umm.. S-sir" Scoutmaster Yoshi stopped at his speech and looked at Hiro "Right, sorry about that." Scoutmaster Yoshi apologized about his speech, "I guess I'll leave you three with my greatest scout. Natsumi!" after he called someone named 'Natsumi', a guy with dark-blue hair and blue tinted eyes approached him and said "Natsumi, reporting for duty!"..."I leave these three new campers to you, please give them quick tour around Camp Buddy, if you need me, I'll be at my office" Scoutmaster Yoshi looked like he really trusts Natsumi at everything. "Affirmative!" Natsumi saluted to him.

My Official Camp Buddy (Natsumi X Haru) [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now