11. Heaven's A Lie

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A/N: Here is the eleventh chapter of Breathe Me! Thank you so much to those who have responded to this story, and I hope ya'll continue to enjoy as the story progresses! I am planning to update Breathe Me every Sunday from now on as I develop a more formal schedule from now on. Mondays will be for Bleed Me, Tuesdays will be for The Tower, Wednesdays will be for The Devil, Thursdays will be for Missing, Fridays will be for The World, and Saturdays will be for Yugen. Keep in mind, this is a new schedule- so it might be adjusted, and don't be surprised if it changes, or I go on another break if life gets in the way. But I do plan on sticking to this schedule as best I can. 

Kaname pulled his slumbering wife close as dawn began to close in- maybe an hour or so off now, giving him a glimmer of hope that the curse did not run true, that the curse had been a fallacy somehow, even as his common sense drawled on and on about all the curses that had come true even within the past century alone.

He tangled his fingers in the silver curls that pillowed her head against his chest, their legs entwined perfectly- her human warmth sinking into him with a pleasant comfort.

He had laid with a few humans before- more than that when he had been an Ancestor- but he could not recall another woman's embrace being quite as welcoming as the one he now held.

He sensed Seiren's presence draw near- his servant stopping behind the door to the bed chamber as she awaited him with news no doubt.

He had hoped all news could wait till morn- till the apprehension was either soothed or proven true, but Seiren would not have come had that been a possibility.

He silently pulled away from Zero and she let out a hum of annoyance before turning away to face the fireplace, her modesty remaining intact by the silken bedsheets.

He couldn't help himself and his gaze remained on her for as long as it could as he dressed to greet Seiren in the wings parlour.

He shut the door tight to the bed chamber, the room darkening completely as the last dying embers of the fire gave way under the slight hallway breeze.

He followed his servant's aura to the small living room, both of them sitting across from one another before a lively blaze. The celebrations had died down an hour ago, and now only the sound of scant fireworks accidentally set off sang through the early morning air.

"Kaname-ouji," Seiren breathed, "Rido-sama was seen outside the city by the Kiryu's guard-captain."

At her words he cast out his senses, but sensed no one out of place- his wife was still asleep in bed and he couldn't pick up a hint of magic in the air, even within the hunter's capital it wasn't normal to catch mages at work, and his uncle was both a pureblood and a skilled mage, or at least so he heard- he had barely met the male.

He waved her on and she revealed all that she heard on her time in the city- the only juicy bit being that apparently there were rebellious forces- an uprising would that would come from an old hunter clan that once held ties to the former dynasty.

"Do you think they wait for the Kiryu Prince's death to strike?"

Seiren nodded, "They sounded as if they have been preparing ever since the Kiryu heir returned to the capital last summer."

Kaname nodded- they would aid the Kiryu's, the marriage alliance would prove beneficial to the Kiryu couple, but if they were infertile an couldn't produce another heir, their dynasty would die with them and it would be transferred to the Kuran's lot.

The hunter's would be in uproar- his parents should have thought better- this could lead to another war if they weren't careful. Haruka and Juri were too optimistic if they thought the hunter clans would all convert to pacifism in the span of a single human lifetime.

He sighed and waved his servant away for the day.

Seiren nodded and left in a whisper of skirts and he was alone.


He blinked and cast out his senses- searching for Zero's heartbeat, her even breathing.


He abandoned the parlour like demons were hot on his tail for the bed chamber, tossing open the grand doors to see the room flooded with light and his new wife nowhere to be seen- her robe missing, her gown and jewellery scattered in the same places they had left them.

Where? Where was she?!

He cast out his senses, but it was as if something was nullifying them- what magic was this? He scanned the room and narrowed in on the fire, tossing the water from the basin atop it and smothering the room in darkness once more.

But that was a relief- he was a vampire, a pureblood, and the dark was where he was strongest.

"Zero," he muttered, "Where did you go?"

Her scent was like a ghost in the room- showing where she had been, but it was a mystery as to where she went.


His aura lashed out, but no one was there to suffer his ire.

He tapped into the telekinesis that had been his gift for as long as he could remember and the hearth collapsed to reveal a hidden stairwell.

He squeezed through the tight hole in the ground to reveal a slightly more forgiving but still constricting servants passage, the stone revealing recently disturbed trail of dust and the scent that had become his addiction.

He slid through the corridors with light feet, tracking Zero's steps in what felt like gradually extending circles until he found another stairwell, this one wide enough to run through.

He bolted up the stairs, but they seemed to lead to the walled off tower, no doors or windows providing light or the faintest glimmer of hope till he reached the very top.

A gnarled wooden door creaked as it softly blew back in forth in a breeze and he cast out his senses, ripping the door off its hinges as he discovered what he least wanted to find.


His 'uncle' pulled back with a bloody grin and dropped Zero to the stone floor, stepping back to the balcony as Kaname crept forward till he stood in front of the dying silver haired female.

Her breathing was quick and rasping, her violet eyes blinking hazily at nothing and she struggled for breath.


"Kaname-kun," Rido purred, "Don't worry I left enough for you too."

Kaname growled, but before he could attack, a pale hand ripped its way through the enemy pureblood's chest, ripping out the heart in a single grotesque movement.

Rido collapsed before cracking into shards of himself, leaving his nephew alone with his killer.

"Surprised? You shouldn't be- the signs were all there, vampire."

A/N: Any thoughts? Leave them in the reviews/comments below! Question for this chapter: What is your impression of this chapter? How do you think it could be improved if there was something you found needed work?Any opinions appreciated! As always, thanks for reading!

Breathe Me (A Sleeping Beauty Retelling/ Vampire Knight Fanfiction- KaZe)Where stories live. Discover now