12. Change (In the House of Flies)

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A/N: Hey all! So I've been putting off coming back to this story because I really don't want it to end even though I know it has to soon. But never fear- it will have a sequel and I bet you can guess what fairy tale the sequel will be based around after you read this chapter! ;) I've also decided to do another fairy tale retelling VK fanfic series- this one is called Castles of Glass (Path One), and the other series will be Castles of Glass (Path Two). I haven't made up my mind what the first story in the next series will be a retelling of- I've kind of had a three way tie between Cinderella, Snow White, or Swan Lake and haven't been able to make up my mind about it. If you have a suggestion feel free to PM me or leave a comment down below! Anyway, enjoy :)

Kaname took a step back from where the other male stood, sensing well the aura the Kiryu Prince kept close as if to hide the immense power that lay within his physical form.

Kiryu Ichiru was nowhere near frail or weak- nowhere near dying as he had been led to believe he was. His voice was deep with strength, even and charismatic, but not harsh- demanding others pay him attention in a way so rare to come across.

He leaned against the stone of the window sill casually, his arms crossed over his chest as one leg extended forward over the other.

He was dressed in black leather pants with a billowing black shirt tucked beneath, knee high black riding boots encapsulating much of his legs as he crossed them while never glancing away from Kaname.

The hunter Prince was tall, but he had met taller males before, and he had a swimmer's build- abnormal for hunters, who were usually built with more bulk to keep them strong over longer hunts and harsh winters.

Above anything else though, Kiryu Ichiru looked like Zero made masculine- though he came off as dangerous and Kaname would never call his new wife dangerous.

No, she was far too delicate- far too kind to be called such.

"You seek to protect my sister from me?" Ichiru mocked.

He didn't waiver from his stance in front of Zero until her heartbeat began to slow, her gasping breaths dying down.

Kneeling down beside her, he pulled her into his arms and stood back up.

"What exactly do you plan to do with her, Kuran?" Ichiru drawled, "Where do you plan on taking her? She'll be dead within minutes at this rate."

Kaname snapped his eyes back to the silver haired hunter.

"You could have killed Rido before he finished with her- you could have saved her." Kaname said, his voice devolving into a growl.

Ichiru cocked a brow, "I had my reasons for waiting."

Kaname made to leave the room, snapping to a stand still at his next words.

"I still can save her."

He could sense the smirk in the silveret's voice, the taunting tone, and he itched to beat it off of his smug face, even as he fell back a step.

He had inhaled roughly at his admission a moment later as his words registered, the stale air of the tower like sandpaper in his mouth.

"What exactly do you want?" He asked and Ichiru looked bemused.

"You care for her already?"

No, he didn't- or at least he didn't think so.

Infatuated, maybe, but he certainly didn't love her.

Ichiru seemed to read his thoughts from his expression and didn't wait for a reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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