Chapter 6

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So it was another day of school, but today I really want to avoid Zen, because I always feel so weird around him, like is it even normal to feel like that!?

So I woke up early, so I could get to school so early, because I want to avoid Zen walking with me, I just want to have a normal day just like before.

I arrived to school and everything was normal, well at least for the first 5 minutes until my friends ran up to me and started talking about Zen, like are you kidding me!

Bella- Is it true that you like Zen?!

Kace- OMG have you went on a date with him yet?!

Akame- ...

Amethy- Come on spit it out!

Zarah- Um... I don't know and, no

Bella- Ugh, really?!

Amethy- Why are you shy?!

Kace- She probably is and you should know her she has no guts to go out with anyone

Zarah- I jus-

Amethy- You know what, don't worry leave it to us

Zarah- Leave what?!

Amethy- Secret!


Amethy's POV

Amethy- Okay girls I got a plan....

Kace- What is it?!

Amethy- *Whispers*

Bella- Yes, that's a great plan, we should tell Zen's friends about the plan

Bella- right Akame

Akame- Hmm...

Bella- I count that as a yes!

Zarah's POV

Okay so I don't know what happened with the conversation with my friends, and to be honest I'm kind starting to get scared, because I don't know what in the world the're gonna do.

Then I saw my friends coming up to me but for some reason they were over excited.

Amethy- Hey, Zarah want to have dinner with us tonight at 7:30, in the Panda Express?

Zarah- um... okay sure

Bella- Yayy, okay see ya soon!

Well that went very quickly than expected, but okay then i'll meet them soon.

Ray's POV

Rey- Hey Zen!

Zen- hmm

Rey- Me and Zac would like to invite you to dinner tonight at 7:30, at the Panda Express!

Zac- we are?

Rey- Yes you dummy!

Zen- Ok

Zarah's POV

Okay so I got home and I got ready for tonight, I got a taxi because I haven't got my licence yet.

When I arrived at Panda Express I didn't see my friends inside or outside, so I went inside and looked for them at a table so I asked at least 6 people if they have see my friends, but they didn't see them.

So I asked the waiter if their was a girl named Amethy.

Waiter- Yes, I saw her earlier to reserve a table

Zarah- Ok, what number is the table Amethy reserved

Waiter- Its table 47

Zarah- Okay, thanks

So I went to table 47, but they were not there, and I'm defiantly not early, I was suppose to come at 7:30 but I came at 8:26 but their not here.

So I waited, but there was not sign of them, then I saw Zen outside through the window. But I thought he was just going to another place nearby. But no, he was coming here.

He came inside and went to my table. Like why is he here!

Zen- Hey Zarah nice to see you again looks like we are in the same table

Zarah- It couldn't be because it's reserved by my friend and she said it's just, oh no seriously

Waiter- Would you like to order

Zen- Sure why not, I would like to have a medium sized hot chocolate

Waiter- How about you?

Zarah- umm, uh, the same please

So it was super awkward, and I can't believe Amethy, Bella and the others would do this to me, like I can't handel this kind of stuff and especially if I didn't know about it.

Zen was acting all natural and everything, was he plan it with them or not, like why all time he acts so calm like really!

After the hot chocolate we talked and it wasn't really awkward like the other times, we just were getting along even more, I'm like getting even more attached to him, like is that even normal.

When it was 9:00 we both decide it was time to go home, so he dropped me off home with his car.

Zen- Goodnight

Zarah- Okay, Goodnight

Ok so today was something I thought that never would of happened, well it was good anyways.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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