chapter eight

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We walked quietly back to the Palace. When it was in sight Ryder stopped me and dropped to his knees and looked up at me, "Please say something."

The pain on his face looked beautiful, and it hurt almost as much as Dimitri's refusal had. I ran my fingers through his hair and sighed, "I'm confused. I love you Ryder but, what you did, was wonderful."

His eyes brightened but I shook my head and he looked away from me, "You aren't supposed to do anything like that with me, right?"

He sighed frustrated, "Since when have I given a shit about what people tell me I SHOULD do when it comes to you and Di?"

I shook my head keeping my eyes closed, "You are going to be the next ruling Alpha Ryder, we cant do this."

"I don't care, I've never cared." He sounded pleading.

"I'm a slave Ryder." I turned on him angry, not at him, but at the whole world I was born into, "Don't you get it? The best I could be is a pleasure slave for you, and even if I could be that for you, what happens when you get married? Would you keep me around, to watch your wife have the children I could not give you? To watch your mate have the life with you I could never hope for? And when you turn of age, would you cut me open and drink me to keep yourself living longer?"

His head was bowed down, looking at the ground defeated before I could say more. I choked back a sob, "I cant be anything for you, if you force me into that Ryder. Dimitri understands that, and he pulled away."

I knelt down with him and held his hand and rested my head against his, "Please, don't take away what little we have by insisting on this. I love you so much Ryder, I would die if I lost you and Dimitri."

Ryder pulled away and stood up grabbing my shoulders and lifting me and crushing me to him, "I cant Sera, I cant go back."

He released me and turned around and walked back into the forest, disappearing after a few feet. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and walked through the garden, into the Palace, through the halls, up the stairs and into my room, never once seeing Dimitri, Victor, Mariah, or Isadorre.

Their words fell onto deaf ears, and I slammed my door in their faces, never once realizing they were even there. I went to my bed and grabbed my tablet from my bags and opening my books I began to study, losing myself in the laws and history of the world I lived in. I didn't notice the time had passed until there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." The servant entered and smiled warmly at me.

"Miss, dinner will be soon."

I shook my head, "No, I need to catch up on my study." I grabbed my sketch book and pulled a paper out and ripped it in half, writing a message on each letter then putting Ryder's and Dimitri's names on them, I gave them to the servant asking him to give them to the Princes for me.

I knew they would be upset that I didn't join them, and immortals had amazing senses, especially of smell, Dimitri would know what Ryder had done, as would Victor and Mariah. I knew the two would over react so I had written three words on each page, hoping it would be enough.

Please, don't fight.

It was very little, but I was sure it would be enough, especially after such a huge disaster last night, and five minutes later the servant delivered a sandwich, glass of water, and a letter. I recognized Dimitri's rounded cursive.

I opened it and read quietly:

Eat, even if you don't think you can. If you have any questions on the subject, I am willing to help you. I wont ask any questions, or say anything. Just studying.

I smiled at the letter and bit into the sandwich, chewing slowly and swallowing, feeling like I was eating paste. I took three more bites, struggling to swallow before tossing it aside and returning to my studying. It was much later at night when I heard the soft knocking on my door.

"Come in." I was nervous at who would be coming in, afraid it would be one of the Princes, but also wishing it was.

The King strode in and closed the door behind him, "I came to check in on you. I was just finishing in my office and I saw your light on."

I stretched my arms above my head, feeling it crack, "Man, what time is it?"

"Close to three in the morning."

"Wow, I'm going to be a wreck in the morning."

Victor smiled at me, "How have your studies been going, the first week is usually the hardest to adjust to."

I nodded, "It's intense, but I'm finding that studying is kind of a relief from the drama of life."

I chuckled humorously and Victor nodded, "Yes, well, you and I need to speak soon, and I would like to do it during Ryder's birthday celebration at the end of the month."

I sat straight, "I, thought, I would be going..."

Victor shook his head, "Mariah said its going to be a Werewolf affair, and Damien will be the only one that will probably be able to keep up, and only just." He sighed and ran his hands through his slicked back hair in a gesture identical to his sons, "As of recent events Mariah suggested that maybe your participation should be limited."

I blushed and looked down both embarrassed and hurt, "I didn't encourage any of it, you know that right?"

Victor nodded, "Oh, I was well aware of where a lot of this was headed shortly after graduation. I was rather encouraged when Dimitri and Ryder seemed so enamored with Delilah."

I sighed and looked up at him, "Are you going to ask me to leave?"

Victor looked surprised and shook his head, "Of course not, I cant fault you for being the way your are Seraphina. To be honest, I was surprised it took as long as it did to come to this point, although I am rather surprised at how quickly other factors have moved in to the situation as well."

I looked at him confused and he held his hand up to stave off any questions, "During Ryder's party, Seraphina." I bit my lip and nodded, "Oh and one more thing?"

I looked up at him confused and curious, "Please don't consider any large decision until I have explained things to you first. Even if you are mad and think it is for the best, give me a chance to talk to you before you do anything."

I nodded, "Alright, I promise."

He smiled and walked out, closing the door softly behind him. I carefully put my tablet away with my books and settled myself into my bed. I was wary of what the next few weeks held for me. I felt my eyelids fall down, heavy with exhaustion, my last thoughts about Dimitri and Ryder.

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