Episode 0: Arrival Part 1 [Soni]

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My little sister is cool. On some days, she was tolerable, fun to be around even. Other days I just wanted to put my hands around her neck and strangle her.

Yeah, she's nice and funny and outgoing but my gods she was just so stupid at times. Like that one time, she asked me what the French translation for déjà vu was.

But on the days she wasn't annoying and dumb, I liked her, adored her even. We were extremely close, probably because we met when she could actually talk, not make incomprehensible baby sounds. That's right, I met her when she was seven. She was like another friend I met at school except now I had to put up with her crap every single day and hour. You know, living in the same household and all. But that's a story for another time.

We were only half-related. I was literally her brother from another mother, but I feel as if I had always been living in her shadow. She was better than me in many ways (definitely not when it came to common sense though) and had always done things with a smile.

"Soni . . ."

She had an incredibly optimistic attitude. When we moved away together, we were immediately brought forth an obstacle, but she pulled through. When she failed, she picked herself back up and immediately improved herself. When one of her friends needed saving, she was there. She said that even if the whole world needed her, she'd be there. That was kinda epic, I guess.

"Soniiiii . . ."

Wait, why am I talking in the past tense as if she's dead? She's not dead, what the hell? You know what, sometimes I forget what tense to use so maybe that's it. Haha.

Anyways this is the story of how I keep saving her butt and how she -


I jump in my seat and snap my head towards my sister as I'm brought back to reality. "What, Silkver? What is it?"

"You've been zoning out again," she pointed out. "This is, what, the hundredth time you've intensely daydreamed for the past two hours? That's kinda weird, are you okay?"

I hesitated before nodding. "Er . . . Yeah, I guess. Just have a lot on my mind."

"Oh okay." Silkver then turned to our friend, Karu. "What about you Karu? You doing okay so far?"

Karu just gave a silent nod. Karu was a good friend of ours who had also decided to move with us. She wasn't going to live with us, but at least she would be in the same city and neighborhood as us. She wasn't much of a talker and has never been. The only time she would say words was if she was in a good mood or if you got her to talk. But even if you got her to talk, the conversation would be extremely short.

I turn away from them and look out the window of the train we were in and rest my head on my hand. The sight of trees zipping past us seemed strangely hypnotic and I began to feel myself drifting to sleep.

"I'm bored," my sister announced all of a sudden. "Let's play a game!"

I sighed. I just wanted a nap.

"What about 'I Spy'?" She said. "I spy, with my little eye, something that . . . starts with the letter 'T'!"

"Trees," Karu answered 0.25 seconds later.

Silkver did a double-take. "What?! How'd you guess so quickly?"

The black cat gestured towards the window. "There are trees everywhere, Silkver. It was easy."

"W-well," Silkver stammered. "There's grass everywhere! Why didn't you guess that?!"

"You were looking at trees."

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