Episode 6: New "Friendships"

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A.N. I rushed proofreading this so please if you find a weird sentence or word, tell me. Thanks and enjoy! :D

"So let me get this straight; You freaked out that night and went outside to blow some steam with your dark element by killing off a small portion of the woods. Then, you went back to sleep and acted like nothing happened the next morning?"

Silkver nodded. "That's the tea."

Soni scratched his head. "And you've been keeping this up since then?"


Though the two Starlites had their talk of exchanging secrets with each other last night, the two could not get it out of their mind and decided to talk about it some more over breakfast. Silkver discovered things about Soni's bird incident and Soni discovered things about Silkver's doing onto the poor trees. At first, the two wanted to scold each other for doing something so stupid and dangerous but they ended up laughing at each other for it instead.

"And you," Silkver began. "You decided to check out the mess I madewhich is kinda trespassingand when you were almost caught, you turned yourself into a cocoon?"

Soni smiled. "Yep."

"Did you screech like last time when they touched you?" Silkver asked eagerly.

"Nah, if I did, that would've destroyed my throat." Soni pulled out his phone and played the same recording of the ugly screeching he had used. Silkver snorted.

"I wish I saw the guards' face when they heard that. At least one of them must've pissed their pants."

Soni shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not." He got up from the table and walked over to the sink where he put his dirty plate down. "So, what do you think we should do with that mess you made in the woods?"

Silkver sat still in her chair as she thought of an answer. "Maybe we should leave it! I wanna see how the theories turn ou-"

Soni gave her a disapproving glare. Wrong answer.

"-I-I mean, we should clean it up before the situation gets worse."

Soni's glare melted into a smile. "I think so too."

After her usual breakfast with her brother, Silkver had to get up and leave for another day of training for the entrance exam. Soni had nowhere to go that day, so he assured her that he would be home the whole day to avoid having her freak out about his whereabouts like last time. Silkver smiled at this then went out the door, heading for Ace's house.

"Wait," Realization hit her like a truck. "Where is his house?"

Silkver wandered around the heart of Acteon for a bit, which was the busiest part of the city. She did not know exactly where she was going for a while and decided for some reason that walking around aimlessly was a good solution. She tried to stay focused and not get herself distracted, telling herself repeatedly that if she missed training today, it would only make her more unprepared for the entrance exam. But some unfortunate twenty minutes later, she had forgotten her original objective when her eyes settled upon a store sign that looked like a cupcake. It was a dessert shop.

Distracted and already hungry, Silkver made her way to the shop and opened the door. The smell of freshly baked pastries, hot chocolate, cake, and other sweets engulfed her, making her sigh in delight. But most importantly, she smelled chocolate chip cookies. Really good ones at that.

"Heya, you're our first customer!" The lady at the cashier said brightly. "What can I get ya?"

Silkver, having an extremely sweet tooth, ordered an inhumane amount of their chocolate chip cookies with a small chilled chocolate drink.

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