Chapter 17: Kristopher

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There were many things that I didn't know about Maria, however, I thought I at least knew her name. So with that being said, who the hell was Jordana?

I looked at Maria, whose eyes were blazing in anger, as if the simple mention of that name had unleashed some kind of fury. Why did women always keep secrets? Oh wait, I also kept secrets.

"Mom, you know I don't want to see Jared." Maria said to her mother, taking in a deep breath. She grimaced at what I assumed was the sensation of pain in her ribs.

Mrs. Gonzalez glanced at me, embarrassment coloring her face. Family drama at its finest.

"Detective Marner, this is a private matter, would you mind stepping away?" she asked trying to be polite but also causing urgency.

"Oh no, we're gonna need an officer to handle what's about to happen." Maria snarked, rising shakily from her seat.

If Maria was this angry, there was nothing that I could do about it, and this girl had attacked me before, so I wasn't exactly too eager to get in her way. If she so much as touched me, I could have her arrested, but if I was going to have her in handcuffs, it was going to be for another reason.

Mrs. Gonzalez cut Maria an icy motherly glare and suddenly an argument launched in Spanish.

What in the hell was happening and why was I involved?

Mr. Gonzalez took a seat at the table as did the other guy in the room. He looked a lot like Mr. Gonzalez, so I figured that must be Maria's brother. I raked my brain for a memory of Maria having mentioned him before, but I was coming up blank. Mrs. Gonzalez finally took control of the situation and ordered Maria to sit back down. In the same sentence, she ordered me and her husband out of the room.

Quality time with the in-law, I suppose.

We awkwardly sat on the sofa trying to overhear what Mrs. Gonzalez was saying. It was all in Spanish so I was completely lost, but from her tone, she was laying into her kids.

"I'm sorry about this." Mr. Gonzalez said.

I turned to him shaking my head. "It happens, I'm sure it's been a long time coming. I can leave, if you'd like. I can't imagine I will be much help." I told him.

"No stay, I would feel better if you stayed. This fight is 12 years in the making... you know, Maria's disappearance wasn't the first time grief has stricken our family. She had a twin brother... who committed suicide at age 15. It devastated out family, but it wrecked Maria the most. Back then, she was named Jordana. She always claims it was her middle name, and she went by Jordana to match her brother's name, but her legal name was Jordana. Maria was her middle name and when she turned 18, she changed it. Losing my son meant losing a part of our identity as a family, and believing that we'd lost Jordana too... it was almost as if fate was taking away my kids. I haven't seen my eldest, Jared in 12 years. Maria was all we had left. Thank you Detective Marner. You brought our girl home."

Sincerity was creased into his face. His eyes looked tired, which told me that even though Maria was back, he hadn't been sleeping much anyway. That strange guilt was gnawing at my chest again. Maybe I did have a heart. That was gross.

"It's my job sir, think nothing of it." I said.

"We think everything of it. My wife and I would like to thank you by having you for dinner. When are you free?"

Dinner with the in-laws, why not?

"I'm free this evening."

"Perfect. Hopefully the kids are on better terms and there won't be a death match at the table. I taught all my kids to fight, and they will battle it out until it's settled."

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