Chapter 22: Kristopher

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A million scenarios were running through my head, but there was one thing that I was certain of. He hadn't killed her. If he was anything like me, or trying to be like me, he would wait until I arrived, and make me watch.

That would be the ultimate punishment, and the certain thing to launch me back into my serial killing ways. It made me sick that he had realized just how he could get me to kill again. The want was there, believe me, but Maria kept me settled. I didn't want to displease her. She would leave me, my life would be desolate and then I would have to kill. I would have to fill that void somehow.

Taylor's pressure had me rethinking about male targets. Perhaps they were just as viable victims as the women I tried to protect.

By nightfall, I had reached the woods. My tires rolled over dried leaves as I followed the path to the cabin. So many memories haunted these woods. How many of my victims ran through here, thinking they could escape? How many times did I haul buckets of blood or dressed up mannequins through this very path?

There was a single light shining through the dirty window, meaning he had the fireplace on.

I brought the car to a stop, and walked calmly to the door. There was no immediate plan that I had thought of. My desired outcome was obviously to get Maria out of there alive.

He was clearly waiting for me, so there was no need to be dramatic, and burst in like a white knight. I was far from being one. I opened the door to find that all was still, but as I had already figured, the fireplace had been lit.

A muffled cry caused me to snap my head to the side. There, on an old wooden chair was Maria, tied up with a gag in her mouth. Her eyes were wild and releasing tears like a faucet. On the floor behind her was a crumpled up body. It had auburn hair and creamy skin. I looked towards the hands, it was missing fingers.

Audrey. A puddle of crimson was spreading from underneath her body. Maria was losing her mind in her chair, pleading with me to get her out of there. There was nothing impeding me in getting across the room to her. She was too easy to get to. This was clearly a trap.

"Where are you?" I called, casually.

Maria screamed again, as something hard was smashed over my back. I fell to my knees while the room began to spin. Taylor managed to drag me to the other side of the room, and handcuffed me to the radiator. On the floor, where I had been attacked, were broken pieces of a wooden chair.

"This is ridiculous. Taylor, you're not a serial killer, you're a wannabe serial killer. Let Maria go, and leave me alone." I demanded, using my free hand to hold my still spinning head.

"No. I decided to be like you, but now I want to be you."

"Is that why you went back to Audrey? Tying up-"

"Loose ends." he finished for me. "Yes. You all tried to make her out to be dead. What a big surprise when I found out she was alive and pretty well. I should have cut out her tongue."

"You didn't have to do that. Audrey didn't remember." I said.

Taylor shook his head at me in disgust.

"How long until something triggered her memory? You out of anyone should understand that. Remember Barbara? I'm sure you do."

"Yeah you asshole. Let sleeping dogs lie, have you not heard of that?" I snapped.

"It was necessary. You've lost your edge because of that bitch over there, and now I'm ending this for you." he snarked, going towards a black duffle bag near the fireplace.

He pulled out a huge carving knife, and walked over to Maria, removing the gag. Her first reaction was to release a blood curdling scream. The piercing sound didn't faze Taylor.

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