Chapter 16: Maria

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Dr. Arellano met me in my room with a smile on his face. He reminded me so much of my dad in the way that he was so gentle and soft-spoken, unless I resisted some kind of medication. In which case, he'd become stern and I wasn't trying to mess with him. Like my dad.

His smile beamed as he announced that I could get to leave today. He removed a piece of paper from his clipboard that contained all the at-home care tips for my ribs and concussion. My parents had already gone down to get my medication form the pharmacy. He had me on codeine to help me get through the next few weeks with my ribs.

A nurse entered as he finished going over what my next few weeks would look like. In her hands was a tray holding codeine pills. I washed them down with a large glass of water, then thanked the doctor and the nurse for all their help over the last two days. The traffic in my room didn't slow down, because shortly after their exit, my parents and Jenny made their entrance holding a change of clothes for me.

It relieved me so much to know I would get to take this gown off, and finally get into some regular clothes. Jenny stayed behind to help me get into a pair of leggings and a comfy sweatshirt from the psychology department. The whole experience didn't go by without me screaming in pain until about two minutes in when the painkillers kicked in.

Jenny put me back into bed and patted my arm, telling me how happy she was that I'd been found. I tried to hug her, but she pushed me back. All the celebrating would be down after my ribs healed. She called my parents back in, but they had other intentions. They rushed my bed in hugs. At this point, the painkillers had taken full control and I was on a trip. My mom pulled away, then opened the room door and announced a special visitor.


"Jared." I said aloud.

My brother. Trip was over.

"Hi little one." He said with a light smile.

I hadn't seen him since Jordan had died... Jared just up and disappeared and never bothered to call or text, nothing.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"Maria." My dad reprimanded in Spanish.

"No papi, porque está aquí? Why is he here?" I retorted.

"Can we have the room?" Jared asked.

My mom ushered both my dad and Jenny out, and shut the door.


"How dare you walk in here?" I demanded to know.


"Answer me!"

"Jordana, just listen."

I froze hearing that. I hadn't been called Jordana since Jordan had died. My heart was tying itself in knots. How could he call me that?

"I was hurting," He began explaining.

"And you think I wasn't hurting?" I shouted. "That was my twin! Our life had started together and he ended it leaving me by myself."

"You weren't by yourself."

"Oh no? You didn't go off to college, completely ignoring your family for all these years? I haven't seen you in 12 years. You missed my high school, and both my college graduations. You left me to deal with mom and dad all by myself. Do you know how fucking hard it is, to carry that kind of weight on your shoulders, at 15? You abandoned me when I needed you most, and now you walk in here like you didn't fall off the face of the earth? Fuck you, Jared."

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