Can't Help but Love You *Paul Lahote Story*

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                                           - Patricia -

    I held my head back and screamed with laughter as Paul spun me around and around the living room. He out me over his shoulder and headed out the front door and skipped down the porch steps and stood still in the driveway. 

 "Paul!" I screamed as I hit his back. "Put me down!" Paul held on tight to me and I giggled again. 


 "Paul!" my dad snapped as he ran out the front door and glared at us. "Put her down." he growled and I blushed and looked down at the ground as Paul set me down on the ground and he ruffled my hair. 

 "I'll get you next time, Tricia." Paul winked at me and jogged over to Dad who whispered something into his ear and Paul frowned, going back inside. Then, Dad looked over at me and he gave me his mad face which made me want to laugh because when Dad's mad, he scrunches up his eyebrows and gets all red in the face.  

 "Patricia!" he snapped and I sighed as I stomped over to him and crossed my arms over my chest, looking him in the eye. 

 "Yes Dad?"

 "What are you doing with Paul?" 

 "We were just having some fun." I complained but Dad raised his hand and I shut up. 

 "Tricia, what have I told you about Paul? He's a player, sweetie, and I don't want to see my little girl getting hurt." he reached over to me and wrapped me in a hug and of course I had to let him. He let go of me and then kissed my forehead and I sighed, again. 

 "Dad?" I whispered and he looked down at me. 


 "I'm not a little girl anymore." I muttered and his face fell. He looked at me and just kept on looking at me until I heard Mom yell his name from inside the house. Dad turns around and held up  his finger, signaling to Mom that he'd be there in a minute. He then turned back around to me and he touched my hair with his fingers. 

 "You'll always be my little girl, Tricia." he said, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. 

 I sighed. Dad turned around and went inside the house but his shoulders sagged so I knew that he was still upset. I walked slowly up the porch steps then I went into the house where Paul and Jared were sitting on the couch playing the Xbox. I grinned over at hem and Paul looked at me out of the corner of his eye, making me blush. 

 "Patricia?" Mom called from the kitchen. I skipped into the kitchen and sat quietly down at the kitchen table while Mom and Dad whispered in fierce voices. 

 I cleared my throat and Mom looked over at me, giving me a warm smile which made me smile. Mom grabbed a plate full of cookies and laid them down on the table and I reached for one. It was warm and soft. Mom crossed her arms over her chest and just looked at me and then she finally spoke. 

 "Did your Father tell you the news?" Mom asked as she took a cookie herself. I could see Dad out of the corner of my eye, shaking his head and sighing. 

 "No…" I said slowly and Mom quickly shook her head. 

 "Oh! No, it's not bad news. I just thought you should know." 

 I nodded, signaling them to go on and Dad interrupted Mom and he spoke. "Do you remember you ex-boyfriend, Jesse?" he asked and I nodded. "Well, he's back and your mother and I think you should go over sometime tomorrow and say hi… or maybe get back together with him." Dad whispered the last part. 

 I choked on the cookie I was eating and I gaped over at my own mother and then at Dad. They wanted me to what?! I wanted to scream and through a fit but Mon and Dad didn't know what Jesse had really done to me to get him to move away. Jesse raped me. 


 "Don't argue, missy." Dad snapped and pointed a finger at me. "You will go say hi and be nice to him, understand young lady?" I nodded again and he smiled and sighed in relief, making me feel like shit. 

 "Now." he started but I wouldn't look up at him. "I just heard Jacob pull in. Why don't you go hang out with him?" 

 I smiled and Jumped out of my chair, sprinting to the front door. Paul blocked the way though. "Great." I muttered to myself, hoping he didn't hear it and I didn't think he did. 

 "What are you doing tomorrow?" Paul asked and I wondered why he cared. 

 "Mom and Das want me to see my ex-boyfriend." I replied as I pushed him out of the way and I made my way over to Jake who was just now getting off of his bike. I ran the rest of the way over to him and he opened his arms wide and I flung myself into them, hugging him. 

 "What's up, Tricia?" Jake said, letting me go. We smiled at each other as we looped our arms together and started walking to the house. 

 "Nothing much." I said laying my head on his shoulder. I could tell that Jake was looking at me and I sighed as I stood up straight and let go of his arm, looking down at the ground. "Jesse's back." I whispered. 


 "Yup, and Mom and Dad want me to go say hi tomorrow and possibly get back with him." Jake shook his head and he put an arm around my shoulders and he pulled me to tightly to his side. We walked up the porch steps and Jacob opened the door for us and we walked in and he closed the door behind us. We walked into the living room where Paul and Jared were still playing the Xbox. Jake rolled his eyes which made me laugh and Paul looked up at us, frowning. 

 "What's wrong Paul?" Jake asked. "Don't know how to laugh?" 

 Paul glared at him and then when he looked at me, a smile danced on to half of his face but not the other side. He was smirking at me. I blushed and quickly looked down at the floor, brushing a piece of hair out of my face. 

 "Patricia! Jacob!" Dad yelled from the kitchen. I sighed and let go of Jacob and went into the kitchen with Jacob in tow. Mom was getting fries and chicken wings out of the oven and she smiled at Jacob and I as we sat down at the table. Dad was standing by the sink with his back pressed against it. 

 "Yeah Dad?"

 "Your mother and I want Jacob to go with you tomorrow, okay?" 

 I nodded with a huge smile on my face. "Yes. Thank you!" I jumped out of my chair and ran over to Dad, flinging my arms around his neck. He chuckled and kissed my forehead, them pushing me away. 

 "Need help Emily?" 

 We looked over to the entrance of the kitchen and there Paul, with no expression on his face. His gaze flickered towards me and a tiny smile rose to his lips but them it disappeared. 

 "No thanks, Paul. But you can go tell Jared to get in here so we can eat."

 Paul nodded and left. 

 I grabbed two plates from inside the dish cabinet and I handed one to Jake and he smiled at me. I went over to the pans of food and grabbed a handful of fries and a couple chicken wings. Then I grabbed a Coke from the fridge and went to sit down. 

 When Jake got his food, he sat next to me and then so did Jared. Mom and Dad went into the living room and I could hear kissing noises and I spit my food out in my napkin. 

 "Heard that, Tricia!" Dad yelled from the living room. 

 That made everyone laugh. 

                                                      - Paul -
    Her laugh was so beautiful that it made my heart flutter. I laughed along with her and she looked over at me making my smile disappear and my laughing stop. Her eyes controlled my movements so when she finally looked away, I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding. I watched every tiny movement she made. The way she would always glance at me every couple minutes and how she would tap her fingers when Jake or Jared talked to long. How she would twirl her hair when she wanted to talk or when she looked around the whole room when what we were talking about bored her. 

 She was beautiful. 

 But I couldn't have her because her father was my Alpha. Every time I tried to make a move, Sam would snap. I sighed and then took a bite of a chicken wing. I looked at Patricia and she was tapping her fingers and that made me smile. 

 Then she looked over at me again. 

 My heart fluttered again and I wanted to scream at it to stop. Tricia smiled at me and I saw the red creep up her neck, meaning she was blushing. 

 "Who wants to go cliff diving tomorrow?" I asked and everyone except Tricia raised their hand. I frowned at her and stopped smiling. "Why not, Tricia?"

 "Hey." Jake muttered as he touched her arm softly. I raised an eyebrow at Jared but he shrugged his shoulders. "We can go after Jesse's, okay?" he said and Tricia nodded which made me get all jittery inside. 

 "Yay. So we're all going?" 

 "I'll go call the rest of the boys." Jared said as he stood up and left the room, Jacob right behind him. 

 Tricia took a bite of a chicken wing and then she took a sip of her Coke. When she looked up at me, I smiled and she blushed again. 

 "Wanna do something later tonight?" I asked, but she shook her head and started to stand up. "I didn't mean to be pushy or anything, Patricia." I said but then I glanced over at the entrance of the kitchen and there was a guy there. 


Can't Help but Love You *Paul Lahote Story*Where stories live. Discover now