Brynlie Herron is the sister to the famous "Zach herron" They have a normal brother sister relationship but she has her eyes on someone from his new created band..will there be a love triangle? Ya never know if ya don't read
April 21st: Today is Friday, and of course i have no plans like always.. i'll probably just stay home eating out of a tub of chunky funky ice cream while watching the office.
I woke up in my bed around 11:30, i was hella late for school but i didn't rlly care bc i was transferring out soon, i want gonna do online school or anything, Me and my parents just decided that this was what is best for me.
i woke up and look at my phone it read *104 snapchats *110 Mentions on Twitter *87 DMs on instagram then about 10 text messages, a lot were from jack
J: Good mornin beautiful 😘🤤 J:Wake uppp😩 J: The guys are teasing me😬🙄 J: i miss youuuu😩 i finally respond: Me: hahah good mornin to you handsome😘 i miss you toooo! Why are the guys teasing you?
J:Corbyn stole my phone and started looking through our messages and well..long story short...Christina picked out our ship name and daniel just screams "JAYNLIE" at random times. Zach keeps making throw up noises and Jonah looks rlly jealous 😂😂😳
Me: i like that name. jonah kinda has a crush on me, lmao
J:We can name our first born child that..😳😂 Everyone sorta knows he likes you..
Me:😂😂😂 calm down. He still cute tho💗
J: yea, yea, yea. Whata you doin tonite?
Me:Watching the notebook and eating out of a tub of ice cream crying wishing i had a boyfriend, you?
J:Well i was you wanna come over and have a movie marathon?
Me: okay! i'll be over around 8?
J:Okay! you bring the snacks and i'll bring the movies(:
Me: Sounds supa👌🏻👌🏻 *End of convo*
i go and take a 30 minute shower and just relax realizing i'm in no hurry whatsoever. I get out and chill in my room just in my towel looking through all my social media's. I finally decide to get dressed.
i go in the bathroom and start waxing my legs, lips, and eyebrows. I shave my armpits bc they are sensitive to the wax. After that i got back in the shower and just rinse all the wax on my body.
I got out once again and started doing my makeup, i mostly just did my eye makeup and some lipgloss (pic below)
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And a cute lace crop top with a cute mini skirt with a light weight jacket (Pic below)
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i texted my mom and asked if i could use the spare car in the garage for the day and she thankfully said yes, i just needed to fill it up after i was done using it. This was basically my car but i had to wait until i was 18 to legally own it, but my parents still wanted me to ask. I sprinted downstairs and grabbed the keys and locked the front door and backdoor then went out to the garage and got in the car and headed out.
I was connected to the car with my bluetooth so i started jamming out to drake. i texted Katie and asked if she wanted to go get lunch she thankfully said yes.
i went and picked her up at her apartment. Katie did one of those weird things where she could be a legal adult at 16 so she had her own place, she just moved in like 2 days ago. We decided to go to ZUPAS this was the best place ever! i got the strawberry harvest salad and Katie got the lobster bisque.
We started talking about our careers and everything else. I didn't tell her i was going to the boys house because she used to have this little fling with corbyn before Christina and they just both hate each other, i think they stopped because he was more interested in Christina. She was fine with the rest of the boys tho.
After lunch i dropped her back off at her place, and thanked me for lunch.
4:30 PM: i went to Starbucks and got me and the rest of the boys drinks, except i got daniel one of those sucker things bc that was his favorite snack.
4:50PM: I went to CVS and got 250$ worth of snacks and a tub of chocolate ice cream i went to the front and had the cashier and she checked me out, i looked at her name and saw her name was the Same as Katie's.
what was i gonna do? i just decided to go back to my house and put the ice cream in the freezer then clean up my room a little bit, it looked like Shreks swamp to be honest with ya. Time flew pretty quickly i decided to leave, so i grabbed all the snacks n the Starbucks. It was 7:00 and it took about an hour to get there. i finally arrived, i walked in and it was loud as usual most of them were playing a video game, there house was rlly clean i was surprised.
Jack came down the stairs carrying 3 trash bags shouting "She's gonna be here any minute! Why will no one help me!" Then pretty soon he started cussing and i was giggling he looked up at me and immediately put the garbage bags behind his back trying to hide them i start giggling at him "oh uhm hi.." he says embarrassed