Brynlie Herron is the sister to the famous "Zach herron" They have a normal brother sister relationship but she has her eyes on someone from his new created band..will there be a love triangle? Ya never know if ya don't read
5:00Pm i laugh at him, "Pretty sure ur the only guy i know that wants there place clean" i say laughing walking to the kitchen while jack comes over and the boys pause the game and follow jack. "Okay, all ur drinks are on the table and daniels sucker thing is in that little sack" they all smile and go to the table and grab there drinks.
I make them all dinner, i just made them some mac n cheese, it feels like i feed the boys more than i feed myself
8:10 "Ready for the marathon?" i ask jack holding the candy and ice cream He smiles and replies "Yesss" we both go upstairs and i leap into bed and get under the covers and pour all the candy onto the bed and give him a spoon and open the ice cream and we start watching Disney movies while eating. probably into our 3rd movie we weren't even halfway through all the candy, i felt like a fat llama.
I was laying down next to jack in his huuugeee bed. he went and put in "titanic" i always cried at this movie i said to myself.
I put my phone down and wrapped myself around jack while my head was in his arms. We started talking ignoring the movie i got my phone out and took a selfie of us & posted it on instagram (pic below)
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@Brynwins; People like you are my favorite kind of people🤤💗 @imzachherron,whydontwemusic, & 31,687 others liked your photo: @Cutie1: OMG SHIPppPP💚💚💚 @Cutie2: ugh, ur sooo pretty! can i be you? @Hater: Grosss @seaveydaniel: JAYNLIE!!!! @Beautychickee: Goals🤗😗
as we kept messing around he was tickling me n i couldn't contain my giggles.
After about 15 minuets of him tickling me, i finally got on top of him and held his hands down, in that moment everything was slow motion, his eyes connected with mine, my grip loosened, i started to bend down slowly as we where inches away we heard the door open "Hey jack, corbyn is going shopping do you need any-" Daniel looked up from his phone and saw us and screamed, i couldn't tell if it was happy or not.
He ran downstairs screaming all the boys start crowing around him asking what's wrong me and jack run out of the room to where daniel is and daniel starts explaining everything but jack puts his hand over Daniels mouth to shut him up. "WHAT HAPPENED?!!?" zach asks "Nothing of your concern!" i say back.
Jack then pulls daniel to the backyard, i follow and shut the door behind me. Jack lifted his hand off of Daniels mouth. "I KNEW IT!" He screams, me and jack tell him to calm down. He eventually does, we start explaining what happened and everything else.
"So you aren't together?" he asks us with curiosity "No, just good friends!" i say, i look over at jack and he looks kind of sad but tried to hide it but was failing. After we go back in the house they are still interrogating us.
"I think i'm gonna head home" i say getting up and swinging my purse over my shoulder jack runs up to me "Please don't go" he says whispering to me as my body is against his and our faces are inches away from each other.
"i wish i could stay" i say as i put my hands on his chest wiping all the lint off his shirt smiling up at him "You can!" he says grabbing my hips, i giggle "i can't, i don't have a change of clothes-" he cut me off "You can wear some of mine" i chuckled once more "pleaseeee" he begs "i literally can't" i say again "cmon bryn!" daniel says trying to get me to stay as they all start to beg me (not including zach) "why can't you stay?" corbyn asks "i'm not answering that" i say laughing.
They keep begging. "Why can't you stay?" jack asks whispering, i groan and whisper back putting my hand up to my mouth so they can't read my lips i tell him. His face turns red, stay here! i'll be right back!" he said grabbing a jacket and his phone with him.
Jacks POV: She whispered to me "it's my time of the month" i remember my sister telling me at a young age, she said "When you have a girlfriend or wife at some point in the future, when it's her time of the month, you have to shower her in love and kindness" i've always remembered that. I went to the store and bought some tampons and ibuprofen. I never thought i'd be doing this.
Bryns POV: i wonder if i freaked jack out? i didn't say it out loud cause the guys would've freaked! i was sitting on the couch watching big mouth with the boys while my head was on Corbyns shoulder and Daniels head was in my lap and i was playing with his hair. The door opened all of our eyes shot toward the door and who came through it. It was jack i got up and went to jack, he opened the sack for me to look in, i shook my head and laughed.
He smiled and gave me the sack and kissed me on my cheek, these aren't butterflies in my stomach i say to's the whole damn zoo i say again to myself as i run upstairs and go to his bathroom and do my thing i go back downstairs and leave the tampons under the sink in jacks room.
i go back downstairs and see jack gone, "Where's George washington?" i asked curiously "He went to the laundry room" zach says i nod my head and sit down next to daniel.