Brynlie Herron is the sister to the famous "Zach herron" They have a normal brother sister relationship but she has her eyes on someone from his new created band..will there be a love triangle? Ya never know if ya don't read
April 25th: 5 Days until the boys leave for tour...i'm not ready. They have turned into family, no longer friends. They have all turned into my brothers. I just have a lot of mixed emotions right now, i want them to be happy and live out their dreams but i can't be dragging them down. They have their own lives and goals. I cannot be their priority any longer.
Me and Christina have been talking about what we will do when the boys are gone, we wanted to do something with them before they left.
*DING* i heard my phone go off
From Christina💕💕: Hey! Let's go out to dinner tomorrow?
Corbean🍭🍦: I'm down! Noodles🍝😻: Sounds good to Me Me: Me too💗 Jacob Sartorious #2😒🙄: Okeyyy Jonah❤️: Sure! We just have dance practice the next day so we can't stay out to late///: Blue eye danny boy💙: Sounds perfect👌🏻👌🏻
***i then texted jack*** video:
Today is the day of our dinner; Christina made reservations at this weird fancy place where they serve snails. I went and showered then shaved my legs because i was wearing a skirt. I got out and did my makeup. I did a light makeup look (below⬇️)
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then my cute outfit (below⬇️)
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Christina came by with her looking flawless as always. We both headed to the fancy restaurant. All the boys showed up at once they all sat around the huge table we had. i sitting in between zach and Daniel.
As we all ordered our food and ate Corbyn got up and tapped his wine glass that had lemon water in it, he said "Wow, i can't believe we start tour in 4 days! this is gonna be such a fun tour! i'm gonna miss you two so much though!! he said motioning to me and christina i love you all so much, let's make this one a good one boys. Cheers." We all then drink.