Chapter 4

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Those that have gotten this far throughout my very long chapters, thanks for reading and I I am giving a shout out to Eldwynn , ShmiSkywalkerHerself , and Delta_Does_Things for commenting, reading, and encouraging me to continue writing this story when I was in writer's block and reading other books, and for getting me out of writers block so that I could write this...thanks lots 'guys'.

"Why would you name yourself after Ice, you are the most powerful water demigod that we've...I've known" it was Artemis now and I was surprised that she'd speak to me, after all I am a man or boy in their words.

"I named myself this because since my betrayal and death my powers over water had increased and I learned how to make water ice and decided that that would be a cool name, especially now that I'm a freaking dragon that looks half made of ice and rock" I said and then I walked through them to the nearest tree and bathed it in my cold fire its insides freezed and it froze over and glistened in the sun. I hoped that I hadn't killed any creatures living in it, but then I thought that at least they would've had a quick death "even my fire is cold, and my claws are sharper than anything known to this galaxy" I swiped through the tree with my front claws and then I turned around and used my hind legs to hit the broken pieces away while I turned and sliced it diagonally making the rest of the tree slide off and hit the ground shattering. I raised my wings to block the falling ice from hurting the hunters and Artemis.

Oh and I forgot to mention this, but I am Primordial of the Hunt now like Artemis, but more powerful than her I said I could make you all full immortal, but I don't want to cause that pain to you girls unless you say that you want it, and as for Artemis leading the Hunt I am not changing that because she has more experience in doing this than me, so I will be your guardian I saw Artemis relax when I said that I wasn't going to assume command of her hunters and then her face went confused.

"Wait if you are the Primordial of the hunt than that means--" she never finished because I cut her off before she could say it.

Do not say the rest Artemis please, I want them to figure out that I am a Virgin like them, and that I had never done anything with any other girl or Annabitch I said hissing at the name and directing the message directly to Artemis so that the others wouldn't hear "would you accept me as guardian of you and this Hunt, and will you be willing to bear the pain of becoming full immortal and not just partial immortal, I promise that I will not do something stupid to this hunt or it's maiden, and I promise to leave you are during the enchantment, no additions at all unless wanted by specification" I turned to Thalia and the other Hunters and they all looked between each-other silently debating on the things and then Thalia and Phoebe stepped up, and Artemis soon came in-front of them by a look.

"We accept you as our guardian" the two said and I turned to Artemis with a new warmth underneath my scales

"And I accept your offer to make my hunters fully immortal" she said looking behind her at the others and I saw them nod at her decision, and then I saw her hand glow and she touched my head, my body was flooded with a new warmth as she gave my her blessing and part of her powers, and then she took off her hand and instructed me to kneel. We did the bonding ceremony to bond me with the hunt and Artemis like they did their oaths, but mine was a little different.

"Repeat what I say" she said putting her silver dagger against the palm of my paw and she closed my hand around the blade, and I squeezed not noticing the slight pinch of pain as my blood seared on the blades surface. I realized that it was enchanted to bond the blood with the silver of the blade and the one that owned it.

"I Prince Arctic swear to protect and defend my hunt" I repeated aloud and in Ancient Greek to make the bonding more powerful and pure

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