Chapter 9

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              When her mother said that her adventure was beginning, Karen had not expected this on an early morn. She was staring at what the cabin boy thought should be her breakfast. She looked at her mother's and Cole's plate and saw they had very different things on their plates. She then looked at their faces to see if they had noticed the difference but was only met with Cole's eyes that hinted at a challenge.
          Ah! So the fool does not like me. I wonder why. She thought as she looked down at the mouldy bread again. I wonder if mother knew about this as she went on about how I was going to have a great adventure. Well, it seems like I cannot bloody ask for something else, so I will just make do with what I have. She thought bitterly and began poking the bread to see if there was any good part left.
              Cole couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the lass poke at the mouldy bread on her plate. He also couldn't believe that he was feeling guilty for testing her this early just because he was intrigued. He had never felt guilty before when he pegged down the all high and mighty ladies before. He signaled for a cabin boy and told him to bring Karen fresh bread and stormed off from the table.
             He was angry at himself because somehow the lass had not only thwarted his plans but had made him grow some respect towards her. He wished that she had whined and complained his ears off but the bloody chit took on his challenge. After all, he had always hated having begrudging respect towards someone.
            Lady May looked up only to see the back of the young pirate as he stormed off. She tilted her head with a confused look on her face and lifted a shoulder. She then turned to Karen and saw her being served a fresh loaf.
       "Having a second helping dear?" She asked astonished by the fact.
                 "No mother. Just some nitwit thought it would be amusing to serve me bread infested with mould," came the reply. Her mother let out bouts of heartfelt laughter already understanding what was going on. It really did pay of being a pirate once and she was glad that some things never changed in the pirates life. But she decided to humour her daughter.
         "Why would they do that to my poor daughter?" She asked her eyes twinkling with mirth.
        "Oh haha mother. I know that you are enjoying this a lot. But I will show them that I am not brought down easily," Karen replied determination shining through her eyes.
       Just then, a spider crawled by an Karen squeaked jumping high from her chair at the sight.
          It was as if the spider had appeared to mock her little speech. Ever since she was little, she had a terrible case of fearing the eight legged creature. Even the tiny unharmful ones. She glared at the creature as her mother doubled over in laughter.
       A red hue took over her cheeks and neck as she suffered embarrassment from the little incident. Cole who had turned back, heading towards the table where he had forgotten his kerchief, had stopped in his tracks watching the scene. Who knew that the chit was scared of such small things? He thought to himself.
        Karen looked up at that moment only to find him staring at her. Her cheeks that had began cooling heat up again as she saw his lips barely twitch upwards. Even though he didn't laugh out loud like her Mother, his ice blue eyes openly laughed at her. Only they now seemed to look like the surface of the sea while the sun shone upon it.
           She continued eyeing him as he approached them. Her heart seemed to increase its tempo as he drew near the table and she couldn't understand why. But her heart beat as if it knew the answer to a question she did not know.
            Cole finally reached the table only to break eye contact as he looked down. He picked up his kerchief, which Karen had not noticed till then, and turned to leave. He strode away magnificently and didn't turn back. If he had, he would have seen as the lady's shoulders drooped with disappointment.
    She had expected him to acknowledge her but he just left. He left her with a pain she could not understand and her shoulders sagged in disappointment.
         "Mother..."she turned only to have words die on her lips as she noticed her absence. The cheeky woman. Leaving me all alone to face the lion. Or should I say wolf. She thought to herself as she made her way back to their cabin.
        She was suddenly tired feeling as if she had just come from one of her morning practise. And all from one man. And she didn't even use a sword on him. She scoffed at the thought and entered her cabin.
          Both had not been aware of brown eyes watching their interaction from afar. But someone noticed and decided to keep an eye on the brown eyes in the duration of the voyage. If only to keep them safe from a storm that was taking its time to brew.

Due to public demand by the person to whom this book is dedicated to, I have updated immediately I have written the the chapter.
Hope you enjoy. Comment on any typos you may find.
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