Chapter 9; Chunin Exam Start, The Jerks From The Cloud Village

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'I can't wait for the Chunin Exams we get to finally show off our skills' I thought looking at the paper "The Chunin Exams this is gonna be great!" Hotaka said excited "yeah I can't wait!!" Kesshō said then we heard chuvlking in front of us "huh?" We said confused in unison

"You three are taking the Chunin Exams!?" A tall male ninja from the cloud village said in front of us "it's probably because this village doesn't have any strong Genin, hmph this will be too easy" The other male ninja with glasses said

"Wait! Are you calling us Weak!!" Kesshō said angry "Knock it off you two *sigh*, listen your one of the 12 rookies right so here a little advice if you want to make it out alive you should drop out now unless you want to get hurt just saying" Their girl member of the squad said shrugging

That really tick me off then we all started arguing about us taking the exam getting a crowd "Hey what's going on here?" Kakashi-Sensei asked looking up from his book then the crowd was gone then he looked at the cloud ninjas and started thinking while sweat dropping

Then Kakashi-Sensei started talking about how annoying we are and should just stop "hmph whatever we should get going anyway" The tall male ninja of the group said turning around

"Hey your from the cloud village right so why are you even here?" Hotaka asked "For the Chunin Exam of course" The girl said "what are your names?" Kakashi-Sensei said which made them stop walking

"I'm Avion this is my cousin Nick and that's Kira(Means Killer I think) you must be one of their Sensei correct" Avion said "Well yes My name is Kakashi Hatake"


3rd Pov

"It's time to begin I am Ibiki morino your Procter and from this moment your worst enemy" Ibiki said 'man this guy looks scary but that's not gonna stop me' Misayo thought looking at him then he pointed at the 12 Genin and the sound ninjas

"First you candidates from the village hidden in the sound knock it off who told you, you can fight you want to be failed before we've even be gone" Ibiki said "sorry it's our first time guess we're a little jumpy sir" The sound ninja with bandages mostly covering his face and head said turning to him

"I'll say this once so listen up there will be no combat between candidates no attacking each other without the permission of your Procter and even then the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited anyone who even thinks of messing with be disqualifying immediately got it" Ibiki said

"Hmph no fatal force that's no fun" One of the sound ninja said smirking "now if we're ready will proceed to the first stage of the Chunin Exam hand over your paper work in return you'll each be given a number this number determines where you sit we'll start the written Test once your all seated" Ibiki said

"The what... What did you say written...?" Naruto said worried which made the Genin who heard looked over towards him then one of the Jounin with a bandage across his nose helded out a bunch of papers

"No!!!! Not a written test no way!!!!!" Naruto shouted slamming his hands against the floor

×•×•×•×•× My Pov(yes I'm going with that)

'A... Written test oh come on I hate written test you always have to focus now I know how Naruto feels at this moment and I don't even know where the other are sitting' I thought looking at the paper

"Hmm your one of the Genin from the leaf right?" The girl next to me with a fan on her back asked looking at me I shook my head 'yeah' "yeah I'm Misayo Takara it's nice to meet you" I said smiling "huh? Hmph I'm Temari from the sand village it's nice to me you too" Temari said smiling back

'Looks like I met a new friend today' I thought happily then Ibiki tap the Chalkboard with the Chalk "everyone eyes up front there are a few rules you need to be aware of and I won't answer any questions so you better pay attention the first time around" Ibiki said tapping on the Chalkboard

Then Ibiki started writing on the board "alright rule number one is the written part of the exam is conducted on a point reduction system contrary to what some of you might be used to you all begin the test with a perfect score of ten points one point will be deducted for each answer you get wrong so if you miss three your final score will be seven" Ibiki said

'Okay I can't get any of these wrong or ill get zero points I have to get something right' I thought shaking my head "rule number two team will pass or fail based on the total scores of all three members" Ibiki said

'Huh? All three?' I thought "huh? Wait a second!? Your saying we all get scored as a team" Sakura said looking up at Ibiki "Silence! I have my reasons so shut up and listen" Ibiki said the Sakura Sat back down then Ibiki started talking again

"Rule number three the sentinels you see positioned around the room are there to watch you carefully for any signs of cheating and for every incident they spot they will subtract two points from the culprit score" Ibiki started

"Be warned their eyes are extremely sharp and if they catch you more than five times you'll be dismissed before the test are even scored" Ibiki said 'Wait their making it sound like we have to cheat I wonder what's that all about?' I thought paying attention

"Anyone fool enough to be caught cheating by the Sentinels doesn't deserve to be here" Ibiki said "I've got my eyes on you guys" I heard the Jounin with the bandage across his nose said (Kotetsu one of the gate guards I think)

"If you want to be considered Shinobi Then show us what exceptional Shinobi you can be" Ibiki said 'yeah their definitely focus more about cheating then the actual test so that means we have to be able to cheat without getting caught few I'm just glad it's not about the written test' I thought sighing in relief

"One more thing if any candidate should get a zero and fail the test....  then the entire team fails"

Word Count: 1094

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