What Chris said stuck with all the way home and even when I woke up and ate breakfast while watching T.V. Sure Jason was an ex, but he was the first proper ex. He managed to make me fall in love with him and he broke my heart; he was the first one to do both. Those temporary one week boyfriends back in early high school years and throughout junior high I didn't even count as ex's.
So the relationship with Jason meant a lot to me.
But there's also the question — is Jason really just an ex? If I take away everything that he had done — mainly there being only the constant cheating — he was an amazing boyfriend, and if it wasn't for his infidelity maybe we could've gotten engaged with time, and then gotten married. That's just one of the many thoughts that circle around my mind when I let myself wonder over to the memories with Jason. However I never let myself linger on the thought about a family life with Jason too long, because its the type of hurt that I don't want to feel anymore or ever again for that matter.
Placing the bowl of cereal down on the coffee table, I picked up my phone. Upon unlocking the device, the text message exchange between me and Cece stared right at me; as I had struggled texting her numerous times earlier in the morning. Letting my fingers freely glide over the phone screen, in just thirty minutes I had finally typed out the text. Without any room for me to think it over, I pressed sent and listens for that light whoosh sound as it was delivered.
I'll worry about my work hours and my this months paycheck later, now I really need to clean this place up; or well occupy myself enough that I don't think about anything.
Two hours later, after I had scrobbed the bathroom spotless and dusted every possible surface in the apartment, I found myself in the kitchen; paying my full attention to the cake batter that I was whipping up. Just like the other day the T.V. was on and produced sound for the background, so the apartment isn't dead silent. I purposefully turned the volume loud enough so I could perfectly hear what was said inside the kitchen.
Separating the batter in four other bowls, I added few, different colored drops of food coloring to each of them. Mixing the artificial food dye inside the all of the now speared parts of the batter, I then picked up each of the bowls and moved the batters from inside the bowls and inside four, the same sized, eight inch round pans. Smoothing out the colorful batters, I tapped each of the pans against the counter to get rid of air bubbles before sliding them inside the preheated oven.
Using my finger, I scooped up any of the batter that had stuck on the sides of the bowls and after licking the spoons, I placed all of the dishes inside the dishwasher; turning it on and letting it do its thing for the next hour and half. Taking my cup of coffee that was barely half drinker, I grabbed a plate of store bought cookies and walked inside the living room. Placing the cup and plate down on the coffee table before sitting down myself.
I never really cared for what was on T.V. as I was mostly at work or sleeping. And when I wasn't doing neither, I was either running errands or cleaning up the apartment. As I got comfortable on the couch, I lifted my eyes at the colorful screen, my eyes instantly caching the sight of tattooed arms. I tried hard not to let my brain wonder off to the Jason corner.
Taking a slow sip of the coffee, I admired the tattooed sleeve that that girl was rocking. It most definitely was impressive. I wonder how I would look with a tattoo or two. Then again that though has crossed my mind more than once, I even brought it up with Jason once but his promise "yeah, baby, I'll take you to the parlor next week" fell empty.
I had few designs as to what and where I wanted to get them. Maybe I should risk it all and just do it? After we only live once and plus it's not like I'll be working anywhere else. Besides the uncommon work hours, working at the bar isn't that bad and Cece is more than generous with the paycheck.
Pulling into an empty parking space, I killed the engine before unbuckling the seatbelt. Grabbing my purse from the passengers seat, I pulled the key out and stepped out of the car. Closing the door, I stuck the car key inside of the keyhole and locked the door; the door locks that looked like miniature pegs going inside of the door panel.
Swinging the bag on my shoulder, I pocked the keys as I walked towards the malls entrance. The tattoo parlor on the other side of the massive building was the only tattoo shop that I knew around here — and actually seen around here — and it didn't even look half bad. If anything the place was spotless. It actually feels like the workers there take extra good care of their shop; like Cece with the bar.
Making my way through the crowded mall, in moments time I arrived at the tattoo shop that was painted in one solid color, the only accent being the neon letters mounted above the entrance. Pushing the glass door open, bells chimed over head as the plastic covered door frame came in contact with them.
There was only one girl in the front of the shop, her seemingly red head of hair peaked out from behind the black colored front desk. Walking out to it, I placed my hands on top of it and lightly drummed my fingers.
Closing some windows on the computer, the girl turned towards me. "Hi," she full on beamed, "how can I help you?"
"Yeah, hi," I smiled back, "I was looking into getting two tattoos... I don't have an appointment, if that's something you need."
Lightly chucking, she turned back to the computer. It definitely didn't seem like she thought of me as a fool or a loser. "It's okay. Appointments are mainly made with each of the artists individually if there's something really specific made, otherwise you just come in and whoever is free will do them for you. Aha and it looks like Luke is free." Moving her eyes back over to me, she gestured to my bag and jacket, "I'll take those for you, yeah?" Standing up, she was already reaching for them, "You'll find Luke down the corridor, in room four. The door should be slightly cracked open," she yet again smiled before turning around and hanging my belongings on a coat rack behind her.
Following her given directions, I walked past the front desk and down the corridor. All of the doors were closed shut, except one — just like the girl said. Lightly knocking on the door, I push on the wood plank and poked my head around the side of it.
A lanky looking guy was siting by a table, his whole right arm covered in various tattoos, some even peaking out from behind the collar of his black shirt.
Clearing my throat, I stepped inside the room, "Hi, the girl at the front desk said you're free right... now..."
Spinning around in his chair, I was taken by surprise. Holy hell. The guys eyes might even be the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen. They were so piercing blue, I'm sure the ocean is jealous. "Yes," the guys voice, that was deep but smooth like velvet, brought me out of the trance. "What can I do for you today?"
"I, yeah, I– I want to get two tattoos," I found myself stuttering, my cheeks growing red like tomatoes from the embarrassment. God, I'm making such a fool out of myself in front of him. Simply cracking a smile, the guy mentioned for me to take a seat before telling me to describe what I want to get so he can draw them.
I think I stuttered few more times.

Crash II
Fanfiction❝have you been drinkin' to take all the pain away?❞ ♛ Book 2 in the Crash trilogy