chapter 6

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Soon enough, it was 5:00 in the morning and everyone who worked at the Lucky Duck store came in to work. A golden star at the top of the holiday tree glowed which made everyone gasp in delight.

"Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas!" Daffy smiled to the others as he wore Santa's coat and hat. "Marvin! I bought you a rocket so you can fly home for the holidays! If you travel by the speed of light, you should make it by yesterday!"

"Oh, you make me very happy!" Marvin cheered and clapped.

Daffy then went to the indie chick and the formerly evil Gem. "Zoey, I've got a gift for you."

"Ooh, what is it?" Zoey asked.

"A special gift card," Daffy smiled. "$50 on it, enough for your mother's medicine, and, buy yourself something nice, it's the holidays."

"Oh, Daffy, thank you so much, you're the best," Zoey smiled back as she then hugged the duck with a smile. "Hear that, Jasper? Mom's going to be okay!"

"Well, I'll be, I guess you aren't so bad after all, Ducky." Jasper said to Daffy.

"Uh, it's Daffy." The black duck corrected.

"Eh, whatever," Jasper shrugged. "Merry Christmas."

"Um, thanks, I think." Daffy replied.

"Come on, Jasper," Zoey smiled. "Let's go and get that medicine."

Jasper and Zoey then left the store to go get the medicine for Francine.

"You'll never be hungry again, Coyote, I'm hiring you your own personal chef: Gordon from London!" Daffy told Wile E. as he gestured to a rather stubborn teenage boy with orange hair who looked rather aggressive.

"Why am I here?" Gordon complained. "I wanna be a chef, and I have to make this coyote sandwiches, but there's one *bleep* ingredient I can't even *bleep* find! Just *bleep*!"

"Just give him his food." Daffy told the boy chef.

"All right..." Gordon muttered as he then opened the plate for him which it was a big turkey.

Wile E. Just drooled and held up a sign that says 'Yummy'.

"Hey, Speedy, Merry Christmas!" Daffy smiled to the fastest mouse in all of Mexico as he handed him a gift. "Or as they say in your country, 'Fleas and Egg Nog'."

"It's close enough." Speedy shrugged to Pixie, Dixie, and Jerry.

A female mouse who looked like Jerry, but in a sky blue dress with darker blue shoes, and had short black hair hummed to herself as she came over with a baby carriage with a gray baby mouse with a diaper on the inside.

"Cousin Mariana, you came!" Speedy beamed.

"Cousin Speedy!" Mariana smiled as she then hugged her cousin, and then her brother. "Hello, Jerry."

Jerry smiled and waved to his sister.

"Oh, I've missed you so much," Mariana smiled as she hugged him tightly before going back to her carriage. "You remember your nephew, Nibbles."

Jerry nodded with a smile and gestured for his best friends to meet his nephew.

"Aw, isn't he adorable, Pixie?" Dixie cooed.

"He sure is, Dixie, he has his mother's eyes." Pixie added.

Nibbles cooed and babbled while shaking his rattle to the older gray mice in front of him.

"Isn't your other nephew coming, Jerry?" Dixie asked the male brown mouse.

"He should be coming soon," Mariana smiled. "Dinky always just wants to be just like his Uncle Jerry."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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