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Sorry for any typos .

Selena's pov:
I woke up to my alarm going off, I groaned and turned it off. Ugh school.
"Good morning baby" I heard Kyle say with a weak smile. Wrapping my hands around me.
"Move baby, I have to get ready for school. "I said sleepily
"No, let's just stay and cuddle"he said snuggling more into the crook of my neck. Cuddle ? Bitch the fuck! I don't cuddle I fuck.
"No I have to go " I said getting out of his grip.
"Fine , I'll give you a ride"he said getting up to. I nodded and started to get ready.

I threw on a white crop top with leather pants paired with a comoflage jacket

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I threw on a white crop top with leather pants paired with a comoflage jacket. With some black shoes.
As for my hair I curled the ends and did my normal make up routine.

"Ok I'm ready" I groaned .
He nodded tiredly .
"You know I have a motorcycle I can drive myself" I said
"Yea that's why I wanna drive you to school, come look at my new ride"he said with a smirk and pulled me all the way to the parking lot.
I was in shock it was an old Harley Davison , like the classic.
"How the fuck did you get this?" I asked admiring it.
"Your not the only one you can fight good"he chuckled .
"Damn this nice"I said still in awe.
"Oh don't tell me your only ganna be dating me Bc of my new ride now"he teased.
Oh right we're "dating" .
I chuckled to myself. He only looked at me confused.
I thought of something quick before he realized I was laughing at what he said.
"Please it's not that nice, my baby still tops it. " I teased back
"Now come on , we need to get me to school"I said hopping on and he got infront.
"Hold on to whatever you want. " he smirked before putting his helmet on.
(Btw Kyle is older like 20)

We got to school a little earlier , he dropped me off where everyone hangs out. I got off and so did he.
"Woah memories " he chuckled looking at the school.
"Yea , but that was ages ago . You oldie" I teased.
"You weren't saying that when I was fu-"
"Shut up" I said pushing him.
"Make me"he smirked pulling me into him.
"I have a reputation to keep, not here"I said pulling away.
"Come on , one kiss. All those guy are starring at you . Plus your Selena, they won't believe your dating me, they'll probably just think I'm your side"he said trying to convince me.
You are my side tho.
"I'm not leaving without a kiss, princess"he said moving his hands to my waist.
Welp let's just hope Ethan doesn't see this .
I smirked and leaned in kissing him roughly . Our tongues fighting for dominance, of course I won. His hand swiftly moved to my ass giving it a squeeze.
Then the belled rung , I pulled away with my teeth tugging his bottom lip , letting it snap back in place.
"I got to go. See ya later"I said leaving him in awe. I walked inside on the way I saw Ethan , starring at me with dark eyes, he was pissed I guess he saw . Welp, maybe it's for the best . I'm not good for him and he need to see that. I can easily brake his heart, he needs to know . I can't love , even if I wanted to; as dramatic as it sounds.

As soon as I went to my locker to get my shit , but Jax was there with a pissed off look. Ugh don't tell me he saw that to.
"So who was that?" He asked pissed lacing his voice .
" no one" I said bluntly.
"Obviously his someone if your tongue was shoved down his throat . Or someone that you canceled on me for. " he said fusterated.
I rolled my eyes as I went through my stuff.
" I didnt canceled , i just didn't show up. What's your problem anyways?" I asked annoyed .
"Him. He was all over you grabbing your ass , kissing you like your his. "He said closing my locker forcing my focus on him. I sighed .
"So I guess you saw ?" I asked rhetorically.
"Who didnt see, he basically came in with a roaring motorcycle with you on it. Everybody saw. Especially me" he said grabbing pushing me up against the wall causing me to gasp.
"So what ? Your jealous . Bc last time I checked . Were bestfriends with benefits, friends are not supposed to mad about this "I said crossing my arms.
"Well to late "he growled.
And the oscars awards is about to go to Selena.
" I'm sorry Jax, if it really hurt you that bad I'll stop. I care a lot about you and the last thing i wanna do is hurt you"i said wrapping my arms around his neck. His face soften as I said that.
"Now i have to get to class, but we'll talk more about this later?" I asked
He nodded with a soft smile.  I smiled back about to walk away . But he pulled me back .
"Wait your forgetting something. " he said and crashing his lips on mine.

I walked to first period. Fuck I have Ethan  this class and last period too.
"Well fuck it. " I said and walked in.
"Your late knightly " the teacher said . I rolled my eyes.
"Take your seat" she said and guess what? lucky for me the only seat left was by Ethan.
I sighed and took my seat next to him.
I could feel his energy and his eyes stare into me.
"Ok guys so today we're doing packets to review on our test for on Friday . You have to have a partner So work with the person next to you"she said handing out the review packets.
After awhile of Ethan just glaring at me I decided to speak up.
"Ok so Thomas Jefferson was the-"
"Why did that guy kiss you?" Ethan asked interrupted me.
"Irrelevant to history , anyways so the political ma-"
"Selena , why? Why did he kiss you ? Why did you kiss back? " he asked I can tell he was trying to tame his anger.
"Why is this a surprise to you? I always do this. I'm Selena knightly, this is what I do. You've seen me done this before whats different? " I said not looking at him.
"Because I told you my feelings , I told you how I felt . Now it feels like you don't even care. Like nothing happened" he said sad and angry at the same time.
"What do you expect ?" I asked
He smirked and chuckled not in a good way, like in a bitter way.
"I knew you'd push me away, this is you pushing me away. I get it. See you after school. Tutoring is still on" he said getting up as the bell ring.
"Actually I have pla-"
"Wasn't a question . After school at your house. I'll give you a ride"he said sternly walking out of the class.

So I missed up in chapter 3 and 4 I called he last name Evans. And it knightly so mind that little glitch I corrected it.

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