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Selena pov:

The whole way to my door then to my room, I was worrried what did he meant by that.

"Ethan? " I asked
But he just ignored me and sat on my bed , opening the text book .
"Ethan? Please " I asked
"What?" He asked emotionaless
"Eth I'm sorry , I didnt mean to tell you that. Sometimes I say shit I don't really mean when I feel uncomfortable or when I feel guilty"I said sitting next to him.
Wtf I'm I telling him I'm sorry?! Did I just tell him my feelings that I felt in that car?! Wtf are you doing to me , you doofus .
"You think"he said sarcastically
I sighed.
"I might regret saying this. " I muttered and stood up with my arms crossed. Not looking at him, infant I was looking everywhere but at him.
"Look I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry I say shit with out thinking. Truth is I-I "I stuttered the last part.
He started to look at me surprised.
"What? Come on you can tell me"he said trying to encourage me to say what I'm thinking. Maybe that's why his surprise , cuz I don't talk about my feelings .
"I don't usually say sorry and mean it, mostly cuz I never feel guilty. In order for me to feel guilty towards someone i have to care what they think, and frankly I don't care what anyone thinks ; but you , you make me feel guilty when ever I do something wrong . I didn't know I was capable of feeling some of the ways you make me feel, but realizing that I can still have these feelings makes me " I paused trying to find another word other then scared.
"Afraid?" He asked
"No , I'm not afraid of anything " I say farrowing my eye brows.
He only smiled , letting out a small laugh as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose .
"Make me wanna be more cautious "I said finding the right word.
"Just please whatever you meant by 'We'll see about that' never ends good when people say that. So don't . How about we be friends? Let's just start over , i promise I'll think before I speak "I smiled weakly.
He was quiet for a while and then he looked up at me as smiled. He stood up now towering over me. "Ok . Hey my name is Ethan . I'm your tutor, also I may or may not have a c-crush on you" he said the last part nervously shaking my hand.
" hi my names Selena , i May or may not be a bitch sometimes"I smiled almost laughing. But then Ethan laugh which caused us both to laugh.

Ok . We're ok again. Let's just hope this friendship last.

It's NOT the end. THERES STILL ALONG WAY TO GO. At least more than 25 chapters long .

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