Part 16

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-Your Pov-

Summer comes back from the cockpit with John, and then he rushes past you to go talk with the rest of his team, and Summer turns to STRQ. " Grimm infestation in the city," she says, pointing out the window, and you nod. " Too many for us to even consider landing. We need to clear them out." All of you nod, and then begin to grab your weapons. Being cramped up here had been boring anyways, so none of you are complaining at the chance to do something different.
Qrow asks Summer what the plan is, and then she turns to him. " Too many Grimm are down there for a plan to be useful. So, our plan of attack is just to attack."

" Works for me," you tell them, and then as the doors open, you hop down into the horde of Grimm, swinging with Rebellion to take out as many as you can. The rest of the teams quickly join all of you on the ground, and then begin to fight side by side. Surprisingly, all of the bickering and disputes between the teams goes away for a few moments as all of you begin to work alongside each other.

" Damn, that's a lot of them," you idly note to yourself, and then Arlan lands next to you with his sword in hand. The two of you begin to fight together, and you can't help but notice that the two of you fall in line right away, and begin fighting together like you had when you were children. A small smile is on your face when you think about this, but it goes away when he turns back to look at you, and scoffs. He then says something about how these Grimm are no challenge for a true warrior, and then you've had it and pull out your guns and begin to blast them down.

" Alright, Arlan. I've had it with your 'true warrior' crap," you tell him, and then he looks at you. " Let's settle it here, and now. Which one of us can kill the most Grimm." He nods at you, and then the two of you begin to fight side by side as you fight the Grimm, the large numbers of them falling away quickly as the two of you begin to get more serious as you fight them. A small smile is on your face, since you know that even if the two of you don't keep track of who kills more, it makes you a bit happy to know the two of you can have friendlier competitions like you had had before.

Some time passes, and then he ends up catching one of your guns, and the both of you aim a gun at one of the Nevermore Grimm, and then you turn to him. " Remember what we used to say when we were kids?" He nods at you, and then the two of you count to three in your head, and then both fire at the same time.

" Jackpot," the two of you declare in synch, and then the bullets rip the wings off the Nevermore, and then it goes tumbling into the ground. The two of you look at each other for a little bit, before smiling and high-fiving. He tosses your gun back to you, and then the two of you go back to fighting side by side. 

-Qrow Pov-

As we fight with the Grimm, all of us get split up, and we all end fighting with people who none of us would normally work with. I end up having to fight alongside Morrigan, which makes me sigh. Even though I enjoy spending time with her, she and I have no teamwork skills, and we end up hindering the other just as much as we help them. I never thought I would say this, but I'd rather be fighting with Raven right now. At least she and I know how to work together.

" Lot of Grimm," I say eventually, just to break the uncomfortable silence.

" No shit Sherlock," she says, firing some magic blasts which almost catch me in the blast radius. " You figure that one out all by yourself?" I roll my eyes when she says this, but I have to remind myself that we need to fight the Grimm, and not each other.

She and I go back to fighting in silence, and then she jams her staff into the ground, and the bodies of the people the Grimm had killed all start to get back up and fight with the Grimm. " Holy shit," I mutter to myself, and then turn to her. " You can raise the dead?"

" Nope. I had no idea that would happen," she says, and then I sigh as the two of us continue to fight. As we do, I can only think two things. One, that this girl is either going to be the best thing to ever happen to me or the literal death of me, and two that everyone else has to have gotten a better partner to work with than I did.

-Summer Pov-

As I fight back to back with Raven, I notice the Grimm surrounding (y/n) and Arlan and I'm aout to dash over and go help them, when Raven grabs my hood. " The two of them can take care of themselves," she tells me. " We need to focus on defeating the enemy in front of us."

" You don't even care about him," I snap at her, and she steps back. " What if he needs help and we don't go over to him?! He would be coming over here to help you." She smiles slightly when I say this, and tells me to duck, and then she cuts down an Ursa.

" No, he wouldn't. He knows the two of us can take care of ourselves. Him and Arlan are a team, and can do this. Look at them," she says. " And, Summer, I know about your feelings for him. He's your partner after all, and I understand why you're worried. But, I am falling in love with him."

The rest of the fight is done in silence, and then when it ends, all of us stand around, and Raven places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes, and then I look over to her, and swallow a lump in my throat. " You should tell him how you feel," I say. " It would mean a lot to him."

She nods, and then walks over to him, and then smiles. " I have something to tell you," she says, and then the two of them walk away to talk about something. I make up a lie about having to do surveillance, and then dash away, needing some time to myself.

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