Chapter One

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                Chapter One.

“Finally, no more school,” I said to my best friends James and Bond.

 “Yeah, no more late homework and detention and getting the evil eyes from teachers,” James stated as we were walking out of that horrible building we called ‘school’.

I couldn’t help but giggle at his statements to why he hates school. “That was only you,” I spoke while James was glaring my way.

James had been my best friend ever since the age of two at an Apple fest. I knew Bond first, since birth because our parents knew each other from college. One day, Bond and I were bored out of our minds and our parents didn’t know how to keep us occupied anymore. So, they decided to bring us to the Apple fest. It was when we came that we started getting hyper and running around the place; that we bumped into a little boy around our age. Sooner or later, we became the best of friends forever since.

A small grin was placed on my face as I remember the memory. It was so far yet, nothing has changed.

I was content.

We all said our goodbyes as we headed over to the bus. At least I could catch up with my sleep on the bus.


I called Bond and asked him if he wanted to hang out. I didn’t call James because he‘ll start talking nonsense about me calling Bond first because were meant to be together. Man, does he joke.

I was waiting for Bond at SQEEZ, a juice bar that we go to every Friday. It was a tradition we started in third grade after Bond started playing baseball and won his first game.

 As Bond entered the room, I realized that he was acting a little nervous, a way he almost never acted. He was cleaner than usual; not that he had a bad hygiene, he was dressing a bit formal for a juice bar. His short brown hair was sticking at every direction, showing that he had run his hands through his hair too many times. The way the buttons around his neck from his shirt were undone, gave me the impression that he was having trouble breathing and was getting sweaty. In other words, he looked like shit.

Me being the concerned best friend I am, I ran towards him in complete shock. “Bond, why do you look so stressed?” I asked concerned.

“Okay, you know my new girlfriend Ashlynn Stars? Well, I may have invited her over and I don’t know how to act. She’s really different and I’m stressing my ass off.”

Bond gets a new girlfriend every month; he dates them for a week and stays single for the rest of the month. So I am pretty used to this by now. It’s the fact that he chose Ashlynn Stars, the girl who always hated me for being best friends with Bond, is now his new chick.

I was a bit angry that he chose our Friday to bring my enemy, so I started arguing with him. “Bond, you know I hate that bitch. Have your fun, I’m leaving.”

“No Sam, stay.” He pleaded.

“I’d rather get my boobs wrapped around my shoulders made into a backpack, and my head shaved by a lawn mower three times than stay with you and, Donkey Shit.” I scoffed.

I continued arguing with him, but I knew I wouldn’t win. I could handle his other girls, like Bailey and Clay. But, Ashlynn; no way.  She is such a gold digger, and she has been obsessed with my best friend since kindergarten. Bond, on the other hand, doesn’t believe me about the gold digger thing. He also finds her obsession quite cute. That whole cute thing; makes me want to puke.

Moments later, I heard the sound of crackling thunder. Ashlynn was here.

“Speak of the devil.” I said, with lack of enthusiasm as I saw her bleached hair and fake tan bounce the way from out of her car. She should know that there is a fine line between being tan and looking like you just rolled in Doritos. It wasn’t my fault that I hated her and she hated me.

Bond sent me a glare and I responded with a flat look. “Sam, I understand you’re hatred towards Ash-Maybe not. But, you’re going to have to be nice. What if it’s love?” He spoke the words that always make me want to roll my eyes.

And I did just that.

And I might have gagged… While Bond was looking…

Love was a word that never once left my mouth. I dreaded that four-letter-words with a passion. The people that know me pretty well would know that I don’t use that word, unless it is needed. 

I heard the door open and I swear, I heard and evil laugh too.

Ashlynn walked in and spotted her little man, then grimaced at the sight of me. She walked over towards our table, wearing a small pink shirt that read, ‘Bite Me’ and very short shorts. Over all, she was practically wearing a bikini.

“Hey honey,” she spoke in a tone that apparently no one could resist. “Buy me a drink?”

She bent her front down to try and show off her growth in the chest area, trying to find my best friends attention. Bond, on the other hand, was already gone and out for us to get us our drinks.

This was going to be a long day. 

Greetings fellow earthlings! We are the awk authors of SUMMER OF AWKWARD AND PROBABALY FATAL RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!!! So excited! Anyways, Sam is played by Abbey Lee Kershaw.

Our duties shall be fulfilled in the following sentences...

Read, you must.

Vote, you shall.

Laugh, you may...

 In our adventure we share with you!!!!!!


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