Chapter 2

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After school we went to my house to think of some ideas for the show. we were sitting in the living room on the floor in a circle. and why on the floor? because its more comfortable if we can see each other while talking.

"OK first lets see what we have." Chloe broke the silence.

"Two sexy boys and a hot girl?" i said but it was more like a question.

"Oh look what a genius we have here." she replied and i grinned.

"Hey but he's right. Some how we should take advantage of that."

"And how do you want to do that Cody?" i asked him.

"Hmmm.... Cody is right. I think we should do the whole dance as if you guys were trying to win over, seduce me and i reject you all the time."

"Hey its a good idea. And what if we put a little boy and boy action into it?" Cody suggested. I raised an eyebrow at him. "I mean shes going to reject us all the time and i'll get tired of it so i'll make a move on you."

"Make a move? On me? For real?" i asked him a little surprised.

"Cody you ARE a genius! And this way we can make Sean jealous! Great!!" Chloe said in a high fan girl voice. But wait. Sean jealous?

"Why would he be jealous? you are talking as if he was in love with one of us." i said but they were just grinning. Wait.

"For flipping hell's sake you two cant be thinking that he-"

"Oh come on Rick. We are not saying that he loves you. However when he whispered into your ear something today i saw something in his eyes, maybe lust?" i rolled my eyes.

"Chloe you are imagining things. But what if you are right? I'm still not into guys."

"OK guys that's enough. We'll see whats gonna happen with Sean and im sure a lot of girls will like 'two sexy boys' dancing together. And it will be funny that we have to comfort each other because a girl rejected us. And it would be good if Chloe walked off stage at the end after she had seen us. Is it okay Rick?" i sighed.

"Whatever. Then shall we start practising today or tomorrow after school and we will have the whole weekend?" i asked them.

"Tomorrow. Theres going to be a family dinner tonight coz today is the birthday of my farther. i have to go home and help my mum." Chloe said.

"Okay then tomorrow." i stood up and walked to the front door with them next to me. They left and i said my goodbyes.

I went to the kitchen to make myself some food. Practically i live on my own since my parents died in a plane crash just a year ago in April and my sister is only home once in a month to give me money for living. So i learned quickly how to take care of my self. I've already tried looking for some part time jobs but they dont need high scgool students although i'm going to graduate next year. Cody, Chloe and me are planning to attend the same college so we can continue dancing and we want to see how far we can go. What if we will become world famous? i sighed, ok back to reality. I finished making my sandwich and went to the living room. i plopped down on the couch and switched on the T.V. I went through all the channels and found nothing. Great now i have to do my homework.

After about an hour i finished it. I strached myself and yawned. I think i'll go to sleep now. I'm tired from today. I made my way to my rrom, looked for my pyjamas and then went to the bathroom to take a shower. When i finished i went back to my room and crawled into my bed. i had fallen asleep pretty quickly.

It was already friday. i was sitting in history class and what a suprise Sean also was in this class fortunately fay away from me. "Okay class. You are going to do a project in pairs about your favourite historical person in the 20th century and no complians. if you dont have any, now you will have to find one." Oh no. i dont want to do a project at the same time with practising. Just great. I looked at Cody and gave him a you-will-be-my-pair look. He grinned and nodded. There was a silent murmer in the class, everybody was looking for a partner. "Be quiet please. It will be me who makes the pairs so dont even try to ask your friends. Okay, First : Stacy and Cody." Ugh, Cody got the biggest slut in the school. Poor him. I gave him a sympathic smile. He rolled he eyes. "The next is Sean and Dylan." YES!!!! its not me!!! "Oh sorry, Dylan will be absent for the week so Sean's partner will be.... Ah! Rick, please." Shit. Oh No Oh No. I know what you are thinking now. we will do the project together so this way we get to know each other more and eventuallly we will fall in love with each other. As if. Fortunately its not a fairy tale with charming prince on a white horse, i looked over to Sean and he winked at me. i smirked. He wont have his way with me. The class was soon over and it turned out that the project was due to the week of the talent show. i stood up and tried to hurry to my next class but someone stood i my way. i looked up to see Sean. i sighed

"Hey Ricky. When do you want to start doing the project?" he asked and to my surprise there wasn't any teasing intention in his voice when he called me Ricky. I smiled. I like it better if he just- . Wait. No . I don't like being called Ricky. Especially by him. The last person who called me this was my sister.

"I don't know. We have three weeks so we don't have to mess it up just because we are in a hurry."

"You're right. Then what about this Sunday? Or are you going to practice? I wouldn't mind watching it." He asked.

"Sorry, I want it to be a surprise but after practice in the afternoon you can come over." He smirked, probably at the surprise part.

"Hmmmm surprise? I like it already. then okay. I'll come over if you guys are finished." He stepped closer. "I cant wait to see you on Sunday, sweetheart." He said in a husky voice, again near my ear. I gulped. Too close. I took a deep breath and stepped backwards. I wrote down my address on a small paper and tossed it to him. He looked at it and grinned. The bell rang, in no other words it saved my ass.

"I have to now, Bye." I said and walked past him.

"Yeah." I heard him say and I swear he was still grinning when he said that. I walked to my next class and sat down just before the teacher entered the class.

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