The Arival

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Sarah walked through the dark hallways of Joey Drew Studios. The only reason she was here, was out of pure curiosity of what her old workplace looked like. The walls, full of holes which were border off by flimsy wooden boards.
"Time really does kill, doesn't it?"
The girl said to herself while examining a small Bendy plushie, it was in a really good condition for laying in the dust for over ten years. Sarah held the plushie close to her chest, although it might seem stupid, but the little spec of innocence really helped her calm down. After a while she got back on track and slowly headed to the 'Ink Machine'. The moment Sarah stepped inside happy memories flooded to her mind of all work put into this one machine. After a while the girl remembered how to turn the machine on but that required leaving the room and going into a different, much smaller room. Her footsteps echoed throughout the studio. Sarah finally got to what she called the 'Pedestal Room', already having the plushie in hand she placed it one of the of six pedestals. After a moment the girl walked out of the room, in front of her was was a large Bendy cutout, from her mouth escaped a small yelp. Her hand quickly trailed to Sarah's chest, her heart was beating fast and loud.
"How did that get here?!"
She questioned for a bit. After what seemed to be a minute the girl walked behind the cutout only to see something more horrific, a mutilated corpse of Boris the Wolf. Her body trembled as she stepped closer to the wolf.
"Oh Boris what have they done to you?"
Sarah asked silently, slowly reaching her hand out to touch the cartoons arm, yet something stopped her from doing that. She looked behind her yet nothing was there, even the cutout was gone, it startled her even more. After a while the girl got her mind back together and slowly looked around to room to see if there was anything she could take. Sarah walked to the left side of the room and to a large drawer, behind it was an ink bottle, she knelt down and took it to the pedestal room. The girl repeated this a couple more times before all the pedestals had something on them. She walked out of the room and down the dark and damp hall. Halfway through her path the large cutout peeped out from. It startled Sarah, the girl let out a slight scream and jumped back, the cutout retreated back behind the wall, as if scared of her reaction. She walked to the room and looked at the cutout that scared her, Sarah gave it a disgusted look and went down one step. The girl pressed the flow button, within a second her shoes were covered in black ink. She scoffed and walked out of the room, the moment the ink started to flow, a young girls giggling could be heard. Sarah didn't think much of it since the cartoons did use young feminine gigging as a voice, the only thing that really was strange was how it turned on. Soon the girl went back to the pedestal room and pulled the leaver. The moment the leaver clicked into place the young child's giggling stopped and was replaced with ominous words.
"Free me... free me... free me!"
The voice chanted, to say the least Sarah was scared to death, she just waited for someone to pop out of the corner laughing their butt off, yet that didn't happen. The adult walked out of the small room and walked to the ink machine. The moment she looked from the corner of the hallway she saw the room was boarded up, the girl gulped and cautiously walked to the boarded up room, every second looking behind her. The second her hand touched the wood the chanting stopped, but nothing popped from behind the door, only a blood curdling scream of pain and agony. Sarah quickly ran to the exit and tried to open it, with no luck it was locked. After several failed attempts she fell to the ground crying uncontrollably. Ink started to cover the wooden ground as well as her dark blue jeans. Soon from the ink a tall, lanky, female figure emerged. It moved unnaturally. Before Sarah could say anything the floor under her broke leaving her to fall down below, she didn't scream or yell though. When the girl hit the ground her vision faded to black and her body went limp. The last thing she heard before fading into unconsciousness was:
"Welcome back my dear Sarah.~ Let us see how long you will be able to last through the puppets dreadful revenge"
A giggle, then silnce, her mind was clouded with questions until it finally stopped leading to her passing out.

{~ Holly I can't believe that I actually finished this, it took me forever. I'll try and update as fast as I can, but I can't promise it will be this week! Any and all constructive criticism is greeted with respect and happiness! And with that buh bye and see you in another story! ~}

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