A Reunion No One Wants

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Slowly Sarah woke up, the moment her eyes opened a sharp pain hit her head. After a while she got up from the cold floor that was covered in ink. The tips of her hair, right arm and the right side of her clothes met a similar fate. She sighed and got up, wiping her face with what was left of her sleeve. The girl looked around at her surroundings. There wasn't much. A door blocked off by some chairs, a ink pump and a shelve with something on it. Before Sarah walked to it, she looked up to see how long her fall was. It didn't seem like it was long, ink still dripped down the square hole. The girl couldn't shake the feeling that something or someone was watching her. She tried to ignore it, unsuccessfully, and walked to the shelf. On it was a audio tape, once the button 'PLAY' was pressed a voice started to speak, it was the voice of Thomas Conner.

- It's dark and it's cold and it's stuck in behind every single wall now. In some places, I swear this godforsaken ink is clear up to my knees! Who ever thought that these crummy pipes could hold up under this kind of strain either knows something about pressure that I don't, or he's some kind of idiot.

There was a long pause, Sarah thought that the recording finished, but then Thomas spoke again.

- But the real worst part about all this... are the sounds the system makes. Like a dying dog on it's last legs. Make no mistake, this place... this... machine... heck, this whole darn thing... it just isn't natural. You can bet, i won't be doing any more repair jobs for Mister Joey Drew.

With that the recording ended, leaveing Sarah wondering what happened to ol' Thomas Conner. She sighed and left the room walking down the stairs. They were covered in ink. The lower she got the more ink there was. Soon it was all the was up to her waist line covering her torn clothes and skin in a layer of black ink. The woman seemed mad and looked around if there was anyway to get rid of the cold substance. Fourtunaly for her there was a vavle that looked to be attached to some type pump. She turned it and the ink slowly started to disappear. Sarah smiled and walked down, again the ink started to raise. Once she located the next vavle Sarah turned it and the ink went away. The girl repeated this a couple more times until she got to the last floor where a door was. once the girl opened it the ground stated to shake and Sarah fell to the floor. Just like before everything went black. The woman was paralyzed and blind. She could only hear a faint laughter. After what seemed like twenty minutes Sarah regained sight and control over her body. The girl stood up and looked around. Under her was a pentagram. On the end of each arm was a lit candle which seemed to be the only source of light in the whole room. In front of her were two slightly creeked open coffins. It freaked her out, next to one of them was a axe. Sarah picked it up and opened the door loated directly next to the two coffins. She walked through them and went down the ink covered stairs. In front of her was low hanging shelf. There was a small Bendy drawing and the words "HE WILL SET US FREE", next to the wall was a banjo. As Sarah looked around, she spotted two more coffins and some odd looking machinary attached to the wall. Once the woman turned around she saw another audio tape, like before Sarah pressed 'PLAY'. She jumped back at the voice of her once good friend Sammy Lawrence.

- He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink that shines in the darkness. I see you, my savior. I pray you hear me. Those old songs, yes, I still sing the. For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept into your final loving embrace. But, love requires sacrifice. Can I get an amen?

The recordig seemed to finish. Sarah was confused, but them a booming voice spoke.

- I said, can I get an amen?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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