Chapter 1

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Ling POV
We're on our way towards Xing and I feel so excited, it's making me hungry... I can't help but sneak glances at Lan Fan. I wish she didn't have that mask so I could see her beautiful face.. Hmmm..

"Lan Fan I'm hungryyyyy" I whine. "Young Lord we need to wait until we get to Xing before our rations are wasted." She says politely. "Hmph! Fine. But we shall eat when we get there, right?" I ask. "Yes Young Lord." She says.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!! I probably made her upset again. "So uhhh Lan Fan, would you like to uhhh go on a..." I say scratching my head nervously. "Yes Young master?" She asks. She is so cute, I can't help blush slightly. "Would you like to... acompany me to the ceremony?" I say nervously. "Of course. I am your bodyguard." She says. "Well I mean like a guest..." I say. "Pardon m'lord I couldn't quite hear you." She says. "Well I'd like you to... accompany me to the crowning ceremony as my plus one?" I ask. "Young Lord!! Your face is red, do you have a fever?" She says. She's so damn cute.. "Well no uhhh, OH LOOK WE'RE IN XING!" I say pointing at the marvellous city. "I guess we are." She says. Nice save Ling. Way to play it cool... If only greed were here, he'd know what to do...

Lan Fan POV
Young master has been acting up lately. I'm feeling slightly worried for him, and his chi has risen slightly. Does he have a fever? Is he worried about the ceremony? I glance at him and put my hand on his forehead to check if there is a temperature. I see his cheeks heat up. "Oh no! Young Lord! Are you sickly?" I say. "N-No Lan. I'm fine really.." He says as we walk towards the shop. "Are you sure Young Lord we could get a doctor." I say under my mask. "Uhhh no im good.., just hungry.." he replies. "Of course m'lord." I say. We eat at the cafe. He's using his casual cocky grin as usual. "Ahhh that tasted great!" He says stretching his arms. I eat my noodle soup and my dumplings. "I wouldn't mind cooking for you everyday..." I say quietly. "What did you say Lan?" He asks still eating his food.
"N-Nothing!!" I reply blushing.

Ling POV
I heard all of it. She so cute when she's flustered.. if only she actually felt the same. She was probably joking around as we always do when alone. She doesn't act so familiar towards me in public in risk of getting fired. "Hey Lan. Could you cook me some lunch tomorrow if you don't mind?" I ask naively. "H-Huh!?" She asks. "I mean. Your cooking is amazing!! I've been to many shops but I loveeee your cooking. Also since I'm gonna be doing so much work tomorrow since I'm future emperor and such.." I say casually grinning at her. "O-Of course m'lord" She says blushing. I could see her blushing as she didn't have her mask on at the time. I chuckle to myself considering how adorable she can be sometimes.

We arrive at the palace. I'm greeted with lots of advisers and some maids. They crowd over me yet I'm able to glance at Lan. I sense a lower in her chi. I'm stuck in the massive crowd as I watch her walk away. I guess I should get to work...

Lan Fan POV
I left the main hall as I made my way towards the training grounds where I occasionally like to train or read. It's very peaceful in fact.. The young Lord couldn't have such time to be with me and my shenanigans, I'll leave him be for the time being.

Ling POV

~several long hours of work later~
Boring, boring, boring... languages to learn, history studies, more training, political affairs ya-da ya-da ya-da.. Then my royal adviser Lei Chen yells, "YOUNG MASTER PAY ATTENTION!" He says as I snap out my daze. "Sorry Chen. I was distracted..." I say drinking my water. "Don't forget, you still need to marry each clan and produce heirs for the throne." He says to me. I choke on my drink. "What!?" I reply. "Yes. Now your gonna be future emperor you have many duties to fulfil." He says. "But. I don't want many wives with many children. Mr Chen. I fully trust you and I'm Sorry if I'm disrespectful, but I only want one wife.." I say to him. "But young master! This is tradition, centuries!!" He says. "I know that but.." I say before getting interrupted. "You have a lucky lady in mind don't you?" He asks grinning. "Yeah.. but if I only marry her it would make another problem despite how beautiful and skilful she is..." I say to him. "It's that lovely bodyguard of yours, right?" He says. I choke on my drink again. "N-No!! She's just my my guard and my good friend! I could never..." I say to him blushing mad. It was only us in the room so luckily no one else was there to hear. "Master Ling. I could see how you look at her. You sneak glances when she isn't watching. She's a lower-class but I'm certain you could do something." He says to me. "But what if-" I say. "I've seen the way she looks at you too. I don't see just admiration but romance in those eyes. Just the same way you look at her." He says. "Yes! I'll make an important announcement on the ceremony. But I wouldn't mention who I'm marrying yet." I say encouraged by his words. "Go getter Master Ling!" He says. "Call me Ling. And thank you so much for the advice! I'm gonna council the elders now!" I yell as I dash out the door.
"Ahh to be young again..." I hear him murmur as I leave.

Lan Fan POV
I was reading against a tree reading my favourite book. It's been hours until ive seen master ling and I admit I miss his cocky grin, his onyx eyes, his.. No bad Lan Fan!! You shouldn't think such scandalous thoughts! You are of a lower-class and He is a higher class. Not to mention he is you most trusted and best friend! He could never return your feelings...

I scold myself as I hear something among the bushes. I grab my kunai at the ready. "It's me Lan!" I hear the young master yell. "Oh sorry. I didn't know." I say apologising bowing slightly. "It's ok.. so whatcha reading there Lan." He says peering to see what I've been reading. I wasn't wearing mask at the time. I blush. "No! Young mater shouldn't see it!" I say turning away trying to avoid him taking the book. "Lan Fan! Lemme see! Before I order you!" He says. "I-" I say before he quickly snatched the book. "Hey!!" I yell flustered. "What's it about?" He asks curious. "W-Well, a young Xingese warrior falls in love with a Emperor. She hides her feelings as she is his trusted bodyguard, and she vowed to keep her love safe despite it impossible for a higher up to love a lower class like her. It's beautiful yet so tragic." I say fawning over the book. I realise my actions and now slightly. "Sorry! I didn't mean to waffle!" I say. "No need, Lan! It sounds amazing! Think I could borrow it after you've done?" He says. "S-Sure" I say as he passes it to me. Our fingers touch. I pull back blushing mad as I see him tainted with slight pink on his cheeks. "W-Well I should head to my quarters. It's getting late." I say. "Ok Lan. Goodnight." He says as we walk towards our rooms.

Ling POV
As I entered my room, I close the door and lean against it as i feel my slight blush increase. Why the hell is she so adorable!?

"Sir. I am of to become a emperor." I say confidently. "Correct." They says. I take a deep breathe in. "Well. I was wondering if I could only have one wife of my own choice." I say before getting cut off. "ABSURD! YOU ARE TOO FOLLOW THE ANCIENT XINGESE TRADITION AS PLANNED!!" One shouts. "WHAT ABOUT OTHER CLANS!?" Another yells. "I've thought hard about this. Yet my decision stays firm. I have planned on changing the hierarchy for the better and help Xing be a better place. I shall announce it furthermore on the ceremonial day." I say bowing to them before leaving. I saw some had unimpressed faces, yet few were pleased with the decision I've taken. Lei Chen welcomes me. Then I make my way to Lan to check how she's doing.
               Flashback end

I can't help but blush. Im doing this for my country, for the greater good... and I'm doing it all for my love. After some thinking, I decide to head to sleep.

Hiya Readers!! Hope you liked this fanfic involving LingFan/ Ling x Lan Fan! I love this couple sooo much and I couldn't resist on making a chapter on it! > ~ <

More chapters await!! Cya Readers!
                  ~Da Author, Ari-Chan

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