Y.A.M ( 15 )

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A/N: So since I haven't updated for the past three weeks, I am trying to catch up and update You are More daily :) So I present you with chapter 15 :D This chapter is not edited yet so sorry for any mistakes that you come across.  I'm sure there is no spelling mistakes, but I am bad at grammar so you might come across it.  Any who, Thank you!

“Pass it!” A teenage boy hollered from the other side of the football field.  He’s taller than the rest of the boys and judging by his big, blue football jacket and spikey hairdo, he’s the football star.  The kid he was hollering at jumped back before throwing a perfect spiral to him. 

 I tilted my head up and followed the flying football with my eyes.  Mr. Football Star caught the ball which impressed me and the delirious girls sitting at the top of the amphitheater. 

“Stop drooling,” Alec mocked me and playfully elbowed my shoulder. “They’re too young.”

Laughing, I defended, “I’m not drooling over teenage boys.  And so what if I was.  Are you jealous?”

I wasn’t sure why I asked such a silly thing?  I mean me, a thirty-one year old checking out sixteen year old boys and expecting him to be jealous? I’m surprise Alec didn’t call the cops after my comment.  Instead he folded his hands and leaned his upper body forward.  He ignored my question and just stared into space.

I stared at him without his knowledge of it.  His blue eyes followed the movement of the football players’ running back and forth across the field.  And I just smiled watching him.  Now don’t go spreading rumors that I’m falling for this man because I’m NOT.  His facial features may be alluring from the dreamy eyes to his strong nose and that chiseled jawline, but I’m not falling for him. And it doesn’t hurt to wonder if he’s falling for me, is it?  Oh the irony!

Bothered from the long, awkward silence between us, I asked, “What are you thinking about?”

“You.” He easily replied.

I blinked.  I didn’t expect that as an answer.  Shaking my thoughts away, I smiled softly. “Me?”

He sits straight back up and cocks his head at me.   I’m just sitting there with a dumbfounded, idiotic look on my face.

“Yes, you.”

“Okay you’re going to have to clarify what you mean by me.” I said.

“Well in order for the students to open up to you, you need to be able to open yourself up to them.  So let’s practice on me.  Tell me about yourself.”

I broke out in laughter. “You’re kidding right? We don’t even have any students to help yet.”

“Pretend we do.” He protests.


He nods his head. “I’m not asking for your deepest, darkest secrets, Elena. I’m just asking you to open up.”

“What’s the difference?”

Alec sighs and shifts his body in my direction.  He scans around for any snoopers before his eyes met with mine. “My name is Alec Crane, a thirty-two year old gym teacher whom secretly hates his job.  When I’m not at this awful job I’m at the cemetery mowing the field and giving my condolences to those who lost a love one. My mother died when I was just a little boy and my father never remarried.  He died two years ago so clearly I am an only child.  He takes a breath and opened his mouth to say more, but I quickly covered my hands over his lips.  He didn’t push me away.  He just sat there.

“No more.” I begged.  He nods so I remove my hands from his mouth.  I didn’t tell him to shush up because it got annoying.  I told him to shush up because it got personal. 

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