Prisoner 959

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Have you ever been hit with the feeling where time just stops, whilst making the most difficult decision of your life? I have. It was the most pressurizing, stressful, and scariest decision I ever made, but I somehow managed the right choice; it was a very narrow escape...

First things first, I'm a prison security officer working at a very dark, but highly facilitated prison in Detroit. I'd have to say half of Hell's spawn dwells here; the worst criminals you could ever imagine all decided to converge into one place. That place just so happened to be here. Let me tell you, this place is the most fucked up grimehole you could ever imagine.

Think of a place with barely any rules, inhabited by unruly citizens. This is it, it turns you into a person you never thought you'd be. Your mind becomes easily desensitized and corrupt over the course of a month or so. The least cringe worthy crime somebody has committed here was probably aggravated assault... on multiple accounts.

Oftentimes, me and the other guards would try to find somebody who had the lightest charge or charges on them when we got bored, if there were no child molesters to beat the shit out of for fun.

Prison fights are a daily basis; riots used to be monthly rituals. Many of us used to wonder how the hell we survived for this long before we upgraded; we became so uptight. We are authorized to fire upon anyone who causes misconduct and try everything to keep things in order before we have to fire a shot. It really messes with your head and makes you forget proper ethics and reason. I've seen guards shoot prisoners just because they didn't like them.

The cells get darker and colder the deeper you get into the facility. Some of them make you wonder if they are even supposed to be a hole cell. We sometimes traveled there since the prison fills up pretty quickly while the older ones take leave. The deepest hall had an ambiance of dreadful darkness. The occasional rat squeal could be heard. The stereotypical moisture dropping sounds were present. You could sometimes hear the prisoners screaming and pitching a fit while losing their sanity. Just the feeling of the hall gave you the creeps. It was cold and able to send chills down your body no matter how many times you've been down there.

There was, however, one strange room that we noticed at the end of one of the halls. It was found in the depths of the cell block. It seemed to have an old steel bar for a handle. It had four strange looking locks. There was a very faded square of what used to be a sign.

I never knew what it once said, neither did the other guards. The only letters I could make out were "OOR" at the bottom right corner. Nobody that we knew had ever been in those doors except the very few highest-ranking officials. Some of us had questioned the door. They were all told the same thing. "That's classified." A rumor leaked that dead bodies made into a tomb were settled there, but it wasn't solid enough for most of us to believe it. We all just knew something wasn't right about that room.

Today, a major prison riot broke out. Who knows what started it? It all seemed so planned out. So cleverly timed. Three guards were killed instantly with a giant mob of orange suits attacking everyone else in sight. Some had small almost useless weapons which escalated into bigger and much more dangerous weapons. The guards' batons were taken and used to bash doors and their heads.

A few of them somehow salvaged some firearms and were using them against us. The guards in the more populated rooms had no chance. There were many groups wandering around either trying to let out other prisoners or find the emergency gun cache. It was hidden very well in the facility, but it wouldn't go undiscovered for long. It could eventually be found, especially with the determination of the prisoners.

I ran into one of the top secret rooms which was open but deserted. I reached into an open drawer hidden under a desk in the corner of the room. There was a key. It wasn't like any key I've ever seen. It was shaped like a skeleton key except the studs were shaped in strange thunderbolt-like patterns. There was a note next to it that said "WARNING: Authorized use only for this key or lethal force will be used". I somehow instantly knew what it was for, so I ran towards the depths of the jail while dodging incoming prisoner blows. I managed to throw a deadly nose break to one of them and slammed another. I don't remember how I got there, I must have blacked out from the fights.

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